- gdal2array : read RS dataset from one raw file or from folders --> S2, LS8, maja, sen2cor, wasp. In this case, cloud and no data mask are read.
- geoinfo : Extract geo-informations from a raster or a geometry (only epsg for this type)
- getextent : Get the extent of a raster
- array2tif : Create a compressed raster (.tif) from numpy array (multi-bands / COG format is possible)
- makemask : Build a mask array from ogr geometry
- valfromdot : Extract values of a raster from coordinates
- imreproj : Reproject a raster in memory, without write it on disk
- applyfmask : Apply Fmask on Landsat data
- resample_2d : Make a resampling on image (some methods like lanczos, bicubic etc...)
- pan_sharpen : Make a pan-sharpening resampling on a raster
- ogreproj : Reprojection of an OGR layer
- checkproj : Check if projections between geometries are same OR same as a given epsg
- zonstat : Compute zonal statistics (count) on each polygon of layer from an image
- sprocessing : Geometric processing between layers (intersection etc...)
- shpbuf : Create a buffer of geometries from a layer
- getbbox : Get the bounding box of geometry (extent)
- distm : Geodesic distance between dots (degrees units)
- add_field_id : Add an ID field in the attribute table of a layer
- convert_coord : Convert coordinates from an EPSG to another
- smac.py : apply atmospheric correction SMAC
- whittf : Apply a Whittaker smoothing (weighted if needed)
- fillnan_and_resample : Interpolation / resampling of vector data with nan values
- smooth_compute : Compute Whittaker smoothing with multi-threading (array with some vector data)
- regress : Compute regression from 2 datasets (linear or polynomial)
- outliers : Extract index and values of outliers in input
- phen_met : Extract phenological metrics from one crop season
- buildproto : Build a string protocol to get db
- getdb : Get data from db
- getdbtable : Get list of tables in the database
- datefromstr : Find a date into a string
- dconvert : Convert date format into another
- dtoday : Return date of today into a string
- imadjust : Adjust intensity of an image
- plot_confusion_matrix : Built the confusion matrix as plot
- Computation of some vegetation index : NDVI, NDWI, EVI, WRDVI, SAVI, CVI