Once started, this application monitors the system for any keyboard activity. When a keystroke is detected, the application will take a snapshot and send the image to the email provided during setup. Currently the application only allows for the use of gmail addresses. Instructions to allow 3rd party access to the gmail account are provided below. A virtual environment is included, {virt folder}.
Existing package in python : Tkinter, os, time, csv and non existing are PIL. How to install:
Open a terminal.
pip install pillow = Document Here
pip install opencv-python = Document Here
pip install mime = Document Here
pip install pynput = Document Here
pip install keyboard = Document Here
pip install pyttsx3 = Document Here
If you do not have "pip" please follow this instruction and how to install PIP.
First you must use the Email Setup menu to configure the email address used by the application. To initiate the PC Monitor, enter a password in the field provided. The application will begin monitoring the keyboard and the window will then disappear. To disable the application, depress the ESC key and reenter the password in the field provided. The application will then stop.
Msn server. Mouse tracking. Pc movement.
- Log in to your account.
- Select your profile icon on the top right corner of the window.
- Select 'Manage your account'
- Select Security on the left side od the window
- Then ENABLE Less Secure Access
For any idea's or if you wish to help a solo developer please contact me on Eklectik.design@hotmail.com
I wish for the moment not to make this software a open source or business, if you wish to use it in your business please contact me.