A simple tool to find your toolset n hacks
alias tools='python3 /opt/swissOrgaNice/swissOrgaNice.py tools'
alias hacks='python3 /opt/swissOrgaNice/swissOrgaNice.py hacks'
bash completion:
cp tools-autocomplete.bash ~/.bash-completion.d/tools-autocomplete.bash
echo "source ~/.bash-completion.d/tools-autocomplete.bash" >> ~/.zshrc
then type rehash
Names for tools are without spaces
print description of a tool
tools <name> d[escription]
print link of a tool
tools <name> l[ink]
tools <name>
tools add <name>
tools del <name>
Add description
tools <name> d[escription] <description here (can be without quotes)>
Add link
tools <name> l[ink] <link>
-> Search in name, description and link
By tags
tools search git,secrets
By string
tools search gitdumper
Names of hacks can be with spaces
hacks path traversal
hacks path traversal
Syntax: `hacks add
hacks add path traversal normal ../
hacks add path traversal urlencoded %2E%2E%2F
hacks del path traversal
hacks del method path traversal normal