Business Intelligence end-of-degree project based on data from the city of Barcelona.
This is meant to be run with a postgreSQL database with the correct data tables.
In folder database you can find the SQL scripts to create the tables and the CSV files to import the data.
###Barcelona data views you can find in this app:
- Population by districts, neighbourhoods, gender, year and age.
- Academic level by districts, neighbourhoods, gender, year.
- Number of libraries, visits and book loans, by district, year and library.
- Crossed data:
- Population vs libraries, by districts and years.
- Population visits to libraries, by districts and years.
- Population book loans, by districts and years
- Library visits vs book loans, by districts, years and library.
###Technologies used in this app:
- CSS + [Sass] (
- Javascript
- [Node.js] ( + [Express] (
- [Massive.js] ( by [Rob Conery] (
- [Ember.JS] (
- [Crossfilter] ( by [Square] (
- [D3.js] ( by [Mike Bostock] (
- [Barcelona TopoJSON maps] ( by Martín González
To execute this web app, just run the next command at the root folder:
> NODE_ENV=development node server
Then, you can access the dashboard through your web explorer at url http://localhost:3000/.
You can find a working demo [here] (