Provides a simple Python 3 interface to the Apache PDFBox command-line tools.
Aside from Python 3 and those packages specified in,
python-pdfbox requires java
to be present in the system path.
The package may be installed as follows:
pip install python-pdfbox
One may specify the location of the PDFBox jar file via the PDFBOX
environmental variable. If not set, python-pdfbox looks for the jar file
in the platform-specific user cache directory and automatically downloads
and caches it if not present.
The interface currently exposes the text extraction, merge, split, and debugger features of PDFBox:
import pdfbox p = pdfbox.PDFBox() text = p.extract_text('/path/to/my_file.pdf') p.split_file('/path/to/my_file.pdf) p.merge(['/path/to/my_file1.pdf, '/path/to/my_file2.pdf]) p.debugger('/path/to/my_file.pdf)
The latest release of the package may be obtained from GitHub.
See the included AUTHORS.rst file for more information.
This software is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. See the included LICENSE.rst file for more information.