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5. First Steps with DAP Cat Programmer

Andrea ZGuz edited this page Jan 3, 2024 · 10 revisions

Upgrading the DAP Cat Firmware

This section explains how to upgrade the DAP Cat firmware. It includes both quick and advanced installation steps.

Quick Installation

  1. Download the firmware file CMSIS_DAP.ino.ch552.hex from the releases page.

  2. Download the CH55x Programming tool for Bootloader Ver2.3.1 and 2.4.0:

    WebUSB Upload

    Alternatively, for Chromium-based browsers with WebUSB support, you can use this online tool to flash your HEX files.

  3. Enter bootloader mode.

  4. Program the device.

Advanced Installation

Ch55xduino: Small Devices Arduino for ch55x devices

  1. To add board support for your products, open Arduino and access the Preferences window (File > Preferences). Copy and paste the following URL into the 'Additional Boards Manager URLs' input field:

If there's already a URL from another manufacturer, add this URL on a new line.

  1. Click "OK" and open the "boards manager" (located in Tools > Board > Board Manager).
  2. Search for "ch55xduino," click "Install," and wait for the installation to finish. Then, close the window.


  1. In Tools > Boards, scroll down to find the ch55xduino boards.

  2. Configure your Arduino IDE for your device, which operates at 3.3V and 16MHz. Set it up as follows:


  1. Open the sketch, for example, CMSIS_DAP, and upload it.

Use as USB Serial Converter

This section explains how to use the DAP Cat as a USB Serial Converter.

Quick Installation

  1. Download the firmware file UsbSerialAdaptor.ino.ch552.hex from the releases page.
  2. Download the CH55x Programming tool for Bootloader Ver2.3.1 and 2.4.0:
  1. Enter bootloader mode.
  2. Program the device.
  3. Now you have a USB-Serial Converter.

Advanced Installation (Repeat instructions as per the previous section for advanced installation.)