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3. Examples

Carlos Alatorre edited this page Dec 12, 2024 · 21 revisions

Here you will find workflow examples using the CAN Bus Flipper App.

In both case, you must first locate the app in your Flipper. If you have not done this yet, refer to First Steps with Flipper CAN Bus app.

First time opening the app. A plash screen will appear, if you do not have the Add-On connected you will face a screen showing a message indicating this.


Watch data traveling through a CAN Bus network.

  • Once the sniffing session begins you will see the addresses list (in HEX) or each CAN Bus network node.


If the Add-On is not connected to the CAN Bus network, the screen will be blank.

  • Select any node address to watch the packets' transmission. You will watch the node address, the data length, and the bytes send by the node. Data bytes are divided in square brackets with its respective HEX values ([Byte Number]: XX value). At the last is printed the delay time.


If "Save LOG" feature is selected to:

  • Save All, a LOG file will be saved with all the sniffed packets.The saved LOG file name format will be "Log_N" ("N" represent the LOG file number).
  • Only Adress, you must choose one address to start saving the data from the sniffing session. The saved LOG file name format will be "L_address_dd_mm_yyyy_N"(address is the sniffed address, "dd" the day, "mm" the mounth, "yyyy" the year and "N" represents the number of file you sniffed in that address).

Build a packet and send it

  1. In the Main menu select Sender option.

  1. Set up your work environment:
  2. Choose ID.

Select a node address from previous sniffing sessions. The selected address will be shown in the next point (ID).


If you have not sniffed yet and use the Choose ID option, the next screen will be displayed.

If you have selected an ID address from the above point the ID will be already set. Otherwise, select the “ID” option and write an address HEX format.

  1. Set the Data Length of the packet. If you want to increment or decrement use the left and right buttons. The maximum number is eight.

  1. Set the remote request

To set a remote request, set the Request option to 1.

  1. Set the data to send.

With the option CLIC TO SET DATA you can modify all the bytes or use BYTE[n] to modify only one byte of the data.

Using the “CLIC TO SET DATA” option

Using the “BYTE[n]”

  1. Send the message.

After using the SEND MESSAGE option there are three possible screens:

  • The message was sent.

  • The message was sent wrong or the device is not detected (You must attach the Flipper CAN Bus Add-On).