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Go gin crud starter

This repo could be used as a kind of inherited CRUD api, and it will save a lot of time.


I used to handle crud operations in Nodejs with nest crud package, and it is fully compatible with react admin. I've never spent any time to make sorting or selecting or filtering functionalities. I was able to create admin dashboard in no time. When I switched to golang I missed these productive tools so I decided to create it.


  • Full crud features
  • sorting, selecting and do complex filters like nested "and" & "or" queries
  • add joins and nested joins from uri
  • compatible with ra-admin
  • inspired from @nestjsx/crud

packages I am using

  • Gin
  • Gorm
  • Postgres
  • Air
  • Swagger

Fell free to make PR to add other frameworks or ORMs

How to use


go install

  • create new golang project
  • go get
  • create db/models folder for models
  • create db/db.go with package db for db connection

crudgen service --name service-name --path lib/apps/service-name


  • Create .env file for configuration.
  • Add to it DB_URL as a connection string which is in used by Gorm
  • By default PORT is configured on 8080, but you can specify in the .env file a different PORT if you like so.
  • If you want to have the documentation also updated then follow the next steps:
    • Install swaggo with go install
    • Run in terminal swag init which will update the swagger files in the docs directory.

See examples as posts then duplicate it

First you can see how crud api works by running project and go to /docs/index.html

  • duplicate posts folder
  • change package name
  • create your entity in models folder
  • replace model struct in repository.go

requests params

Query params

By default, we support these param names:

fields - get selected fields in GET result

s - search conditions ($and, $or with all possible variations)

filter - filter GET result by AND type of condition

join - receive joined relational resources in GET result (with all or selected fields)

sort - sort GET result by some field in ASC | DESC order

limit - limit the amount of received resources

page - receive a portion of limited amount of resources

Notice: You can easily map your own query params names and chose another string delimiters by applying global options.

Here is the description of each of those using default params names:


Selects fields that should be returned in the reponse body.






Adds a search condition as a JSON string to you request. You can combine $and, $or and use any condition you need. Make sure it's being sent encoded or just use RequestQueryBuilder


?s={"name": "Michael"}

Some examples:

  • Search by field name that can be either null OR equals Superman

?s={"name": {"$or": {"$isnull": true, "$eq": "Superman"}}}

  • Search an entity where isActive is true AND createdAt not equal 2008-10-01T17:04:32

?s={"$and": [{"isActive": true}, {"createdAt": {"$ne": "2008-10-01T17:04:32"}}]}

...which is the same as:

?s={"isActive": true, "createdAt": {"$ne": "2008-10-01T17:04:32"}}

  • Search an entity where isActive is false OR updatedAt is not null

?s={"$or": [{"isActive": false}, {"updatedAt": {"$notnull": true}}]}

So the amount of combinations is really huge.

Notice: if search query param is present, then filter and or query params will be ignored.

filter conditions

  • $eq (=, equal)
  • $ne (!=, not equal)
  • $gt (>, greater than)
  • $lt (<, lower that)
  • $gte (>=, greater than or equal)
  • $lte (<=, lower than or equal)
  • $cont (LIKE %val%, contains)


Adds fields request condition (multiple conditions) to your request.




Notice: Using nested filter shall join relation first.



?filter=isVillain||$eq||false&filter=city||$eq||Arkham (multiple filters are treated as a combination of AND type of conditions)

?filter=shots||$in||12,26 (some conditions accept multiple values separated by commas)

?filter=power||$isnull (some conditions don't accept value)


Adds OR conditions to the request.



It uses the same filter conditions.

Rules and examples:

  • If there is only one or present (without filter) then it will be interpreted as simple filter:


  • If there are multiple or present (without filter) then it will be interpreted as a compination of OR conditions, as follows:
    WHERE {or} OR {or} OR ...


  • If there are one or and one filter then it will be interpreted as OR condition, as follows:
    WHERE {filter} OR {or}


  • If present both or and filter in any amount (one or miltiple each) then both interpreted as a combitation of AND conditions and compared with each other by OR condition, as follows:
    WHERE ({filter} AND {filter} AND ...) OR ({or} AND {or} AND ...)



Adds sort by field (by multiple fields) and order to query result.







Receive joined relational objects in GET result (with all or selected fields). You can join as many relations as allowed in your CrudOptions.










Notice: primary field/column always persists in relational objects. To use nested relations, the parent level MUST be set before the child level like example above.


Receive N amount of entities.






Limit the amount of received resources






Receive a portion of limited amount of resources.



