- Python 3.10 (Maybe works with Python 3.8)
- It is recommended to set up Miniconda or Anaconda
After installing Anacodna / Miniconda (follow guide: https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install/) create an Virtual Environment
conda create -n 3dcv-students python=3.10
wait until it installs and activate the environment with:
conda activate 3dcv-students
Than install all requirements as usual
pip install -r requirements.txt
For the installation I recommend a python venv.
git clone git@github.com:vislearn/3dcv-students.git
cd 3dcv/
python3 -m venv .
source bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download Python here. Make sure that the installer adds Python to your PATH.
In PowerShell run
git clone git@github.com:vislearn/3dcv-students.git
(if you don't use git, just download and extract the zip file)
cd .\3dcv\
pip install torch torchvision -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
pip install -r .\requirements.txt
In order to edit the notebooks run
to start the local webserver.
If the notebook home page does not show up immediately, open http://localhost:8888
in your browser.
Now, just open one of the task notebooks and start editing.
├── 1.0-tl-scientific-python.ipynb <- The Notebooks, containing your tasks
├── ...
├── LICENSE <- The License
├── README.md <- The top-level README with installation instructions
├── data <- The necessary data files, e.g. datasets
├── models <- Trained and serialized models, model predictions, or model summaries
├── requirements.txt <- The requirements file to setup the environment
├── task.pdf <- Detailed information about your tasks
├── vll <- Boilerplate source code provided by us
│ │
│ ├── data <- Scripts to download or generate data
│ │
│ ├── model <- Scripts defining the neural network models
│ │
│ ├── utils <- Scripts utilities used during data generation or training
│ │
│ ├── validate <- Scripts to validate models
│ │
│ └── visualize <- Scripts to create exploratory and results oriented visualizations