Welcome to the Elixir Journey repository! This project is central to my Elixir learning journey, covering:
Using Livebook, I document each topic in interactive notebooks with solutions, notes, challenges I overcame, and resources for further exploration. This is my way of taking a more hands-on approach to using Elixir/Phoenix/LiveView design and implement robust software solutions.
- Individual notebooks per subject: Separate notebooks for Advent of Code, Exercism, Codewars, and reading resources, each with solutions, explanations, and detailed notes.
- Protected code artifacts integrity: The CI blocks merging or pushing to
if any new scripts used in the notebooks aren’t listed as protected artifacts, maintaining consistency across Livebooks. - Comprehensive CI pipeline: A GitHub Actions pipeline enforces code quality, security checks, and protected artifact verification, ensuring all notebooks reference the correct, up-to-date scripts.
- Live test results in notebooks: As each module is evaluated in Livebook, unit tests are run with results displayed in-line, showing pass/fail indicators for immediate feedback.
For the Livebook for solutions and notes for the AoC, you can expect these features:
- Dynamic year selection: Switch between years in the Advent of Code notebook, viewing solutions, daily progress, and notes for each year. A dropdown control dynamically renders data, including a daily progress table with visual indicators. Progress tracking with visual indicators: Each year includes a progress table that uses symbols like "⭐⭐" for completed days, "⭐" when I completed 1 of 2 parts, and "❌" when I didn't complete any parts for that day. This makes it easy to see my progression at a glance.
- Caching system: Cached AoC data minimizes requests to AoC’s website, reducing redundant calls and ensuring the Livebook loads quickly with current data.
- Scheduled data updates: GitHub Actions automatically updates AoC progress data weekly (or daily during December), keeping tables current without manual intervention.
Elixir: The language runtime. Livebook: For interactive notebooks. Phoenix (optional): If Phoenix-based content is added in a future update.
- Clone the repository:
git clone git@github.com:Kavignon/Elixir-journey.git
cd Elixir-journey
- Install dependencies:
mix deps.get
- Install Livebook dependencies:
mix do local.rebar --force, local.hex --force
mix escript.install hex livebook
After installation, ensure ~/.mix/escripts is in your PATH if prompted. Otherwise, you will get a warning in the following format:
warning: you must append "/Users/your-user-name/.mix/escripts" to your PATH if you want to invoke escripts by name
For instance, if you're using ZSH as a shell, you'll use a text editor (i.e., VIM/nano/VS Code) to open your configuration and append that reference to your PATH. Once you're done, source your shell, and I advise you to reload it with $SHELL
Don't hesitate to look at the FAQ in case of problems; if it doesn't help with your problem, you can always open a new issue on the repository.
Run the Livebook for my Exercism notes + observations using the button below!
It'll bring you to the following URL:
You'll see this in the browser:
You will want to click on Run notebook and then Allow, and the livebook will run in your browser.
- Start the Livebook server:
livebook server
- Open the provided URL (usually http://localhost:8080?token=yourtokenvalue) in your browser.
- In Livebook, click Open
- Select the option From storage and provide the path to elixir_notes.livemd from the repository folder to open the notebook.
You can also do the following after running livebook server
- Click on Open.
- Select the option From URL and provide the URL to one of the Elixir livebook notes from the repository such as this one in Notebook URL
- Click on Import.
Read more here