- codealong to Wes Bos JavaScript30 course, which is a free course - the only thing you have to do is sign up via email
- see more of his courses on wesbos.com
- see Wes Bos JavaScript30 on GitHub here
- see transcripts here
- most of Wes Bos lessons are desktop first, a ToDo could be to make (if possible) all of them responsive
- this repo here is my small codealong code snippets, seperated into HTML, CSS and JavaScript files
- down below I've included screenshots of single course projects, to give a visual representation
Heads up: unless stated otherwise, the majority of my code examples don't have build processes - only simple HTML, CSS and JavaScript files
- clone this whole repo or copy and paste code of a single project
- cd into the project you want to throw on localhost
- open
in your browser of choice (in my case, built in/for Chrome)
11 - Custom HTML5 Video Player
15 - Local Storage and Event Delegation
16 - CSS Text Shadow Mouse Move Effect
21 - Geolocation Speedometer Compass
25 - Event Capture, Bubbling, Propagation, Once
26 - Animated Follow Along Nav
27 - Leporello Click and Drag Slider
- grab keyCodes that are asscociated with the keys displayed here
- keycode.info
- listen to
event - if there's corresponding audio, play audio on keydown
- along a bit of transformation (via CSS)
- grab current time
- update hands accordingly (seconds, minutes, hour)
- along a bit of transition (some via CSS, some via JavaScript)
- 3
, 2 of them of the typerange
, 1 of them of the typecolor
- via JavaScript, manipulate default set CSS variables
- event listener for
, will be triggered regardless of which one happened
: Filter the list of inventors for those who were born in the 1500'sArray.prototype.map()
: Give us an array of the inventors first and last namesArray.prototype.sort()
: Sort the inventors by birthdate, oldest to youngestArray.prototype.reduce()
: How many years did all the inventors live all together?Array.prototype.sort()
: Sort the inventors by years livedArray.from()
: Create a list of Boulevards in Paris that contain 'de' anywhere in the name- Sort Exercise: Sort the people alphabetically by last name
- Reduce Exercise: Sum up the instances of each of these
- most things are done with CSS here (Flexbox, transitions, translates)
- if clicking on one panel, said panel will grow in size and show additional text coming in from the top and the bottom (via
) - if all panels are clicked, all of them will show the whole texts, available space will be distributed evenly
- JavaScript is only needed to toggle associated classes
- fetch and filter data (US cities and US states) from external
file link, distributed by Wes Bos - filter / search for within that list of cities and states
- all matching cities and states will be shown while typing ahead in search field
- results (if any) will be rendered as
s and - through adding a CSS class - will be highlighted while typing
: Is at least one person 19 or older?Array.prototype.every()
: Is everyone 19 or older?Array.prototype.find()
: Find the comment with the ID of 823423Array.prototype.findIndex()
: Find the comment with the ID of 823423 / delete the comment with the ID of 823423- Create a new array with the updated (deleted) array
- enable drawing on HTML5 element
- that said, drawing will happen oncontext
in 2d - via click and drag - listen for
- within the
function, using some options we have on thecontext
regarding color, linewidth etc
- this tutorial is about what you can log in the console
console.error('Display error here');
console.info('Only Information-Text here');
- interpolated
- will pass the second parameter into the first parameterconsole.log('I am: %s‘, ‚a fool');
- styled
console.log('%c I am some great text', 'font-size: 25px; background: yellow;');
- click a checkbox, hold down shift key, click another checkbox - automatically also mark all of the checkboxes inbetween
- works top to bottom and bottom to top
- listen on
event on all checkboxes - check for shift key being down AND checked
- customize the default HTML5 video player controls (in my case, on Chrome)
- hide those panels and build our own based on our own HTML
- play / pause button
- volume slider
- speed of video slider
- skip buttons (10 seconds back / 25 seconds forward)
- progress bar (dragable, showing where we're at)
- listen to
- possible ToDo: implement full screen button
- when someone inputs a certain sequence of keys, then something needs to happen / something is triggered, e.g. an easter egg
- most used online: Konami Code
- type coffee, this will trigger
- see Cornify Github
- see Cornify.com
- listen to
event on window splice
- when scrolling down a page, have images slide in from left/right at half-scolled passed image height
- images are hidden by default via CSS (
,opacity: 0
) - listen on
event - implement debounce function, as having event listener on scroll is not performative - the implemented function will only run the
function every 20 milliseconds
- Reference vs Copy
- strings, numbers, booleans: if you reassign a variable and afterwards change the value of the original variable, the original variable value will change but NOT the reassigned one
- array reference: if you update an array it will always reference back; reference example is NOT a copied array, it's just a reference to the original array, so BOTH of them will be updated!
- array copy options:
- concatenate an existing array into an empty array
- ES6 spread
- `Array.from(existingArray)
- object reference: if you update an object it will always reference back; reference example is NOT a copied object, it’s just a reference to the original object, so BOTH of them will be updated!
- object copy options:
Object.assign({}, existingObject, { new-property: new-value })
, the third parameter can of course also overwrite existing property/values- ES6 spread `{...existingObject}``
only goes one level deep!- the poor man's deep clone:
- make the object a string and immediately parse it back to an object, not recommended
- create menu where you can add items and - after adding - immediately check/uncheck them
- whatever's being entered will have a persisting state (local storage), after refreshing the page (
) - possible ToDo: add "select all" / "deselect all" buttons
"Be aware of the element you are targeting! This might need recalculation of cursor position!
- create a shadow that follows mouse move
- sort band names without considering "a", "an", "the", but keep those when listing/printing the sorted list
- RegEx
- add up total number of hours, minutes, seconds of all videos
- numbers are provided via string in
- convert them to numbers, add them all up to total
- modulo
rgb effect: red effect: green screen:
- live camera footage will be grabbed, drawn on canvas, colors manipulated
- you need to give access to your camera to use this feature
- chose between three effects: rgb effect, red effect, green screen
- check
, heresetInterval()
, to un/comment desired effect
- check
- download image you've screenshot
- sliders only work on green screen effect
- heads-up: my code is slightly different from Wes Bos
- in Wes Bos course he has this running via live server/browsersync, so if you copy this code, run
npm install
, thennpm start
- voice to text
- for every started/stopped spoken sentence, a new
is going to be created and filled with detected words - you need to give access to your microphone to use this feature heads-up:
- make sure you're only detecting for speech in ONE browser window/tab
- even then, in my case my recognition froze after a few spoken words (both, with browsersync and 'native' Visual Studio Code Live Server) and I had to either stop/start browsersync and/or hard reload the browser window
- in Wes Bos course he has this running via live server/browsersync, so if you copy this code, run
npm install
, thennpm start
- how many degrees of north is a person (compass)
- speed of that person moving (in km/h)
- you need to give access to your location to use this feature
- as on Chrome we can fake geolocation coordinates but cannot fake geolocation heading and geolocation speed, this is supposed to grab heading and speed data given by Chrome and work with that
- in Wes Bos course he has this running via live server/browsersync, so if you copy this code, run
npm install
, thennpm start
- this is intended to be developped with Xcode via simulation of another device (e.g., iPhone11)
- for this after firing up
npm start
you'd need to copy the external URL shown in your terminal into the browwer of the simulated device on Xcode
- when hovering over the page, have the links having an animated hover effect that follows (with a little bit of delay) while moving along
- those "little pills" will both resize themselves and follow along
- text to voice
- heads-up: my code is slightly different from Wes Bos
- SpeechSynthesis Web Speach API (experimental feature)
- limit selectable voices to
- manipulate speed and pitch of spoken words/voice
- navigation that snaps and becomes sticky after scrolling past top of nav position
- little transition while sliding in the 'LOST'
While using addEventListener, consider what's being fired when!
- 3 nested
s all nested inside of each other - bubbling: click on the innermost element will also trigger the outer parent element, the event will bubble up
- capture: click on an element will go from top to bottom, no event being fired but captured and stored, then - at the bottom - start of bubbling up the event
- stopPropagation(): stops bubbling up an event
- once: true: listens for the event once and unbinds itself; use for example in store checkouts when you don't want and need a customer clicking (submitting) a button multiple times - see
- navigation menu on hover, automatically resizing itself (size depending on content)
- most of this can be done with CSS BUT here it's calculated how big the
ul class="dropdown"
container is and how to have the white background behind it
- click and drag slider to left/right
- (calculated) mouse actions
- control scrubber, control speed as video is playing
- timer with 6 options:
- 20 seconds
- 5 minutes
- 15 minutes
- 20 minutes
- 60 minutes
- customised entered minutes
- displays how much time is left
- bonk 6 moles when they pop up
- runs for 10 seconds after start has been clicked
- count the hits on a score board