- Apache 2.4.56
- MySQL 10.4.28
- PHP 8.2.4
- Laravel Framework 10.13.1
- Mailtrap
- JavaScript
- Authentication and Email validation.
- Can Add Tweets, Comments, Likes, Retweets.
- Can Delete Tweets, Comments, Retweets.
- Can Edit Tweets, Comments, Retweets.
- Get notifications when someone comments, retweets, likes, tweets or follows.
- Can post images to tweets.
- Can hide/unhide tweets from public
- Can see hidden tweets on own profile page
- Can follow other users.
- Can edit profile information
- Can sort the feed by: newest, most comments, most likes, most retweets.
- Can search for tweets/retweets in feed.
- Can see another users tweets and profile (by clicking on the name)
- Can Download his Informations(tweets,comments,retweets,likes,follows) as .txt file.
- Can change Log-in Informations(Password , Mail).
- One super Admin can create new Admins.
- One super Admin can delete/restore Admins.
- One super Admin can activate/deactivate Admins.
- Delete/restore Users.
- activate/deactivate Users.
- Reset User Password.
- Delete/restore User Tweets, Comments, Retweets
- Hide/unhide User Tweets, Comments, Retweets
- Download User Infomations (tweets,comments,retweets,likes,follows) as .txt file.
After you have installed this, please follow these instructions:
- Create a new Database twitterdatabase in your MySQL Environment (for Example: the first 2 Steps with MyPHPAdmin)
- Clone this Repository on your Local System.
- open a terminal in this folder and enter the following commands one after the other (this may take some time)
composer update
php artisan migrate:fresh
php artisan db:seed --class=tweetSeeder
php artisan serve
Now you can open and use the app with in your favourite browser.
Database : Markus Holder
Authentication: Emil Moldovan
User Interface: Mouhamad Abdallah
User: Aya Afaghani, Julia Egyed, Luke Vallon
Admin: Lukas Lorentz, Benno