HTML5 application that shows data transfer costs on AWS visually on a map. The application allows for changing the region and country (for edge pricing). The original map comes from
Some customers recieve discounts from AWS and the map can be updated to include those discounts.
Discounts are defined in the following format:
// Format:
// discounts[datatype].rate will set the rate across all selectors (region/cloudfront location)
// discounts[datatype].percentage will give a discount across all selectors (region/cloudfront location).
// discounts[datatype][selector].percentage will give a discount based on a percentage of public pricing.
// discounts[datatype][selector].rate will set the rate of the service.
// datatypes: crossAZ,internetOut,albInOut,clbInOut,dcOut,crossRegion,cloudfrontAWS,cloudfrontOut
// selectors: based on the datatype. Either region or cloudfront location.
You can include those discounts by either uploading a file with the discounts using the format mentioned above or including the above discounts in the HTML5 source in the empty function setDiscounts().
function setDiscounts() {
// indicates the rate of cloundfrontOut for United States locations is is 10 cents/GB.
discounts["cloudfrontOut"]["United States"].rate = 0.1;
// indicates the rate of internetOut for US East (N. Virginia) is 10 cents/GB.
discounts["internetOut"]["US East (N. Virginia)"].rate = 0.1;
// indicates a 50% discount for all crossAZ traffic.
discounts["crossAZ"].percentage = 0.5;