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Loymdayddaud edited this page Oct 9, 2024 · 4 revisions

The arena is constructed of every base ship defined as planets and fleets, and can be hailed and then challenged. Arena ships are hostile to the player and cannot be bribed. Faction systems also have arenas with only that faction's ships to cater to anyone who might benefit from filtering content. There is an arena override list to add to each carrier a full complement of their respective fighters and drones, so that the arena will always fight with a ship's full force.
(arena ships also often hail the player with nihilistic phrases referring to their singular purpose)


Plugins can compose their own arenas in whichever style they choose, but it is recommended to keep Omnis in one ubiquitous style. If you would like help with setting up the arena for Omnis support in your plugin, you can contact me directly or study the data structure used in Omnis' arena.

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