To complete the assignment, create a repo and send us the link when you're done. To help us assess the assignment, please commit often and use clear and concise commit messages.
Create an application on top of Create React App that:
- Retrieves data from an API (refer to for public APIs)
- Shows a grid of items (thumbnails, cards, etc.)
- Has a form that allows filtering the data set
- Shows item details (large image or other information available from the API's response) in a modal when an item is clicked
- Test coverage is sufficient
- Linter and tests pass
- Works in IE11 and evergreen browsers
- Eslint rules extend eslint-config-endouble
- Uses web fonts (eg. Google Fonts)
- Runs on HTTPS
- Third-party package usage kept to a minimum
- No external state managers (MobX, Redux, ...)
- UI is accessible by keyboard
- Code is documented
- Items in the grid show up to four items per row and gracefully degrade to a vertical list on narrow screens