A Python program that simulates a coffee machine using Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles. The program consists of different classes for modeling the coffee maker, menu items, and money handling.
CoffeeMaker Class: Models the coffee machine that makes the coffee. Handles resources, reports, and coffee-making functionality.
Menu Class: Models the menu with different drink options. Includes a class for each menu item with specific ingredients and costs.
MoneyMachine Class: Models the money-handling functionality. Processes coins, makes payments, and keeps track of profits.
Main Program (main.py): Integrates the classes to create an interactive coffee machine experience. Allows users to order coffee, turn off the machine, and generate reports.
- coffee_maker.py: Models the CoffeeMaker class.
- menu.py: Models the Menu and MenuItem classes.
- money_machine.py: Models the MoneyMachine class.
- main.py: Main program that utilizes the classes for a complete coffee machine simulation.
- Run the
file in a console or terminal. - Follow the prompts to order coffee, turn off the machine, generate reports, and more.
- Experience a virtual coffee-making adventure!
from menu import Menu, MenuItem
from coffee_maker import CoffeeMaker
from money_machine import MoneyMachine
money_machine = MoneyMachine()
coffee_maker = CoffeeMaker()
menu = Menu()
is_on = True
while is_on:
options = menu.get_items()
choice = input(f"What would you like? ({options}): ")
if choice == 'off':
is_on = False
elif choice == 'report':
drink = menu.find_drink(choice)
if coffee_maker.is_resource_sufficient(drink) and money_machine.make_payment(drink.cost):