- [General -information)
- [Technologies Used]
- [Project Status]
- [Screen shot]
- [Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)].
- [Room for Improvement])
- [Acknowledgements]
- [Contact]
Due to recent announcement on Wednesday 24th August 2022 regarding student loan forginess by President Biden in America, I have gone for a student database targeted to government, recruitment consultants and employers who will be willing to employ and payback a percentage of students loan. This will encourage students to come forward by inputing their details. As a result, targeted end users (government, recruitment consultants and employers ) will get the best from a large pool of students( manpower) they would like to employ.
- Git
- GitHub
- Python
- Pytest
- Flask
- Docker/Docker Compose
- Docker Swam
- Jira
- Jenkins
Project is: _in progress
screenshot![](/C:\Users\ene\Desktop\CloudDevOps Bootcamp\Project\Entity relationship diagram.png)
![](/C:\Users\ene\Desktop\CloudDevOps Bootcamp\Project\Degree of a relationship diagram.PNG)
[a link] (https://github.com/user/repo/blob/branch/other_file.md) [a link] (https://github.com/user/repo/blob/branch/other_file.md)
Room for improvement:
- Improvement to be done on more testing
- Improvement to be done on lager database
To do:
- Extra features to be added on student expectation
- Extra features to be added employers limit to loan forgiveness
- This project was inspired by current situation on student loan in America. I also acknowledge my QA tutors and QA team members for helping with this project. Many thanks to them.
Created by Ennamani - feel free to contact me!
app = FLask(__main__)
db = SQLAlchemy(db)