This is a basic task to get to know RNNs and a modern framework to program Deep Learning in python.
You are given a dataset which consist in spoken digits, i.e. different people saying the numbers from zero to 9, where there are two versions of the digit 0 namely 'zero' and 'O' (letter o). The dataset is called TIDIGITS, you are gonna use only a subset of this dataset since a part of it contains also 'connected digits', that is people say a string of number connected. The dataset is in 2 mat files: one is for the train, the other is for the test You can split the training set in a training and validation set if you would like to do some cross validation on your model. The matlab files contain a structure with all the data you need (and more).
The features are already extracted. We are using MFCC which is a temporal frequency representation of the audio samples. These features are 2-D matrices of size (F, T) where F is 39 features and T is the temporal length of the samples. The ones that you will be used are store in the 'mffc_third' cell array. The labels (from 0 to 10) for the corresponding samples are stored in 'idx_labels'.
To load matlab structures in python you can use loadmat from
from import loadmat
data = loadmat('path/to/data/data_file.mat')['structure_name']
The data structure in python is a dictionary with nested set of arrays. So you'll have to sort it to pull out the digits and the labels
samples = data['mffc_third'][0][0][0] # <- dictionary access plus array access
labels = data['idx_labels'][0][0]
You'll have to load train and test separately.
Story of development of RNNs goes way back and there is a lot of material you could read. I tried to put together some interesting/important papers to understand the theory behind them HowToRNN.
Don't have to understand everything perfectly but this will give you an overview. The Wikipedia page is also a nice start.
The main idea is that you have a network with multiple layers but every layer has recurrent connection which means that the activation of the current time depends both on the current input and on the previous time step activation of the network.
You use these networks to analyze temporal sequences. In order to train them you use backpropagation through time BPTT, which is a modified version of backpropagation adapted for RNNs, where you basically run the network and then unroll it in time such that you have a sort of fully connect very deep network (basically a layer per time step) and then you do normal backpropagation.
For sequence classification usually people do the following. You have an RNN which is fed with the sequence. Then you take the last hidden activation of the network and use this as features to feed to a fully connected layer for the classification. When using neural networks for classification you should use an output layer with a number of units that matches the number of classes, use the softmax activation (a variant of logistic regression) and use categorical cross entropy as a cost function. This will help the network learn a probability distribution over your output classes.
There are many frameworks for Deep Learning in python. We are gonna be using Tensorflow. Tensorflow is an API for symbolic computation. It basically means that instead of doing direct computation, you create a so called 'computational graph' that defines your operations, compile it and evaluate it. This allows you to avoid doing manually backpropagation since the gradients in your architecture are calculated by the framework and this makes life easier! Refer to the documentation for installation and first tutorials. I suggest you use a machine with Linux or MacOS. You could use Windows with Anaconda (a platform to run python) but it's a bit more complicated to set up.
You task is to use Tensorflow to train a RNN with LSTM or GRU units (see HowToRNN) to solve the digit classification problem. With the data you are given you should obtain around 97/98 % accuracy on the test set.
Tensorflow might be a bit overwhelming in the beginning, but there are a lot of examples in the documentation and people have done a lot of work with it so you can find examples on GitHub.
The whole RNN framework is also quite wide, try to understand the basic concepts about RNN computation and please feel free to ask me questions about it.
The network architecture does not have to be too complicated, this is a simple task.
If you are not satisfied with the results you can always try some of the tricks that people use in the community:
- Dropout or other kind of weight regularization
- Change optimization method (SGD, RMS, AdaGrad, Adam, ...)
- Data augmentation
- ...