- MagicLeapOne Lumin OS 0.98.30
- Lumin SDK 0.26
- Unity 2020.3.29f1 (64-bit)
- OpenCV for Unity 2.4.7+
- Download the latest release unitypackage. MagicLeapWithOpenCVForUnityExample.unitypackage
- Create a new project. (MagicLeapWithOpenCVForUnityExample) and setup UnityProject.
- Import the Magic Leap SDK for Unity asset from the Unity Asset Store.
- Copy the "MagicLeap" folder to your project.
- Import the OpenCVForUnity.
- Setup the OpenCVForUnity. (Tools > OpenCV for Unity > Set Plugin Import Settings)
- Move the "OpenCVForUnity/StreamingAssets/" folder to the "Assets/" folder.
- Downlod https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pjreddie/darknet/master/cfg/yolov3-tiny.cfg. Copy yolov3-tiny.cfg to "Assets/StreamingAssets/dnn/" folder. Downlod https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3-tiny.weights. Copy yolov3-tiny.weights to "Assets/StreamingAssets/dnn/" folder. Downlod https://github.com/pjreddie/darknet/tree/master/data/coco.names. Copy coco.names to "Assets/StreamingAssets/dnn/" folder.
- Import the MagicLeapWithOpenCVForUnityExample.unitypackage.
- Add the "Assets/MagicLeapWithOpenCVForUnityExample/*.unity" files to the "Scenes In Build" list in the "Build Settings" window.
- Check CameraCapture and ComputerVision checkbox in Publishing Settings.
- Build and Deploy to MagicLeap.