A Bot that checks an RSS Feed at intervals for unposted articles, and posts them to a Subreddit.
Powering r/Teignmouth news since 2018!
- Posts articles from an RSS Feed to a Subreddit, without duplicates
- Portable: Queries Reddit for already posted Links without having to externally keep track
- Configurable settings allow for fine-tuning of delays between each post and RSS check
- Allows for setting of config variables via Config File or System Environment Variables
To install requirements, you can either install directly from the requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Or, you can choose to install them manually
pip3 install praw, feedparser, configparser
You can store your Config Variables in a file called conf.ini
The following Config Variables are Mandatory, and your Bot will not start without them
'id' = Client ID from your app (https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps/)
'secret' = Client Secret from your app (https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps/)
'password' = Bot Account Password
'username' = Bot Account Username
'user_agent' = Can be anything (For example, name it after your bot, like "BotName v1.1")
'rss_url' = URL of the RSS feed to use
'subreddit' = The Subreddit's name to post to
The following Config Variables are not nececcary for your Bot to work, and have Default Values
'py_debug_val' = Can be 1 or 0. If 1, the bot doesn't post anything [Default is 0]
'save_posted' = Can be 1 or 0. If 1, the bot saves posts to a text document [Default is 0]
'interval' = Amount of seconds to wait between each RSS check [Default is 3600, which equates to 1 hour]
'post_interval' = Amount of seconds to wait after each post has been made [Default is 30]
Or, as an alternative, you can choose to store your Config Variables within System Environment Variables
The following Config Variables are Mandatory, and your Bot will not start without them
'REDDITRSSID' = Client ID from your app (https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps/)
'REDDITRSSSECRET' = Client Secret from your app (https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps/)
'REDDITRSSPASSWORD' = Bot Account Password
'REDDITRSSUSERNAME' = Bot Account Username
'REDDITRSSUSERAGENT' = Can be anything (For example, name it after your bot, like "BotName v1.1")
'REDDITRSSURL' = URL of the RSS feed to use
'REDDITRSSSUBREDDIT' = The Subreddit's name to post to
The following Config Variables are not nececcary for your Bot to work, and have Default Values
'REDDITRSSPYDEBUGVAL' = Can be 1 or 0. If 1, the bot doesn't post anything [Default is 0]
'REDDITRSSSAVEPOSTED' = Can be 1 or 0. If 1, the bot saves posts to a text document [Default is 0]
'REDDITRSSINTERVAL' = Amount of seconds to wait between each RSS check [Default is 3600, which equates to 1 hour]
'REDDITRSSPOSTINTERVAL' = Amount of seconds to wait after each post has been made [Default is 30]
The Bot can be started by running the bot.py
file in your preferred version of Python 3
This project contains work from the following contributors:
LargeBee - For their original RedditRSSBot repo