Student project: The Arena TPS
Video Footage:
###Getting Started
- Clone Project
- Get the most up to date Unreal Engine
- Get Visual Studios 2013 (Having various issues with 2015)
##Setting it up
Find TheArena.uproject in the project directory, right click it, and click generate Visual Studios project files.
##Running it
At the top of Visual Studios there is a dropdown menu that is typically on "Development". Change it to "DebugGame Editor" and then click on the "Local Windows Debugger". After the Unreal Editor loads, click the "Launch" button.
Note: The first time takes forever even on good computers. Be patient.
##Known Issues
If the Unreal Editor gets stuck on a percentage, go into the Unreal Editor and click Library on the left.
Then when when you see the version of Unreal you have (hopefully 4.9.x), click the yellow arrow next to Launch and click 'Verify'.