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Chia-Lung, Chen edited this page May 25, 2017 · 2 revisions

Dependencies status

Dependency Status devDependency Status

Still in use

  • Kaku-Core - This repo keeps all shared scripts that will be used in different clients
  • Gulp - To build up our environment
  • Electron - Let us use web technology to build native app
  • Bootstrap - To boostrap the whole project including grid system ... etc
  • FontAwesome - To make Kaku look nice
  • jQuery - Bootstrap is based on jQuery
  • React.js - To help us break UI into small components
  • Video.js - To help us control the player
  • Babel - To do some pre-transfrom process
  • NPM - To help us manage node modules resources
  • Less - Make life better when writting CSS
  • Pouchdb - Our database to store trakcs
  • Bootbox - To help us show dialogs based on Bootstrap
  • Animate.css - Animation matters
  • Youtube-dl - Download youtube tracks on the fly
  • Webpack - Module Bundler
  • Firebase - Make our app real-time !
  • ... still increasing :)


  • Bower - To help us manage frontend resources
  • Compass / SASS - To help us write CSS easily
  • NW.js - (Moved to Electron)
  • Require.js - To help me make codes more structure
  • ... thanks for these old friends :)
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