This is a simple validator for a suduko puzzle. It takes a string of 81 numbers 1-9 and checks that those numbers are a valid suduko solution. The 81 numbers are split into the 9 rows of the suduko board.
Each row is validated, then each column, and then each of the 9 smaller grids.
In clojure getting the rows is easy. (partition foo 9) The columns are a little harder and the grids are the hardest.
If anyone has other solutions to the creation of the columns and small grids I would be interested in seeing them.
I never connected the cli, I guess that's a to do. But the tests are all there.
And I can't imagine any reason someone would use this.
You'll need leiningen and clojure and java installed...
Check out this repository or download the zip.
compile with,
'lein compile lein uberjar'
FIXME: explanation
$ java -jar suduko-validator-0.1.0-standalone.jar [args]
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