(alphabetical order: links take you to the Wiki)
- GA capstone project requirements applies to v0.2
- GA full stack project requirements applies to v0.1
- GA full stack project presentation requirements applies to v0.1
- Linotype: The Film — trailer
- Linotype matrix identification publications
(checked if completed on 2017 Jul 21)
- Ember client
- Database of matrices expanded from the v0.1 test set of 40 matrices to the full 2,907 matrix listing previously compiled by Linotype staff.
- User stories expanded: user can search not only for a specific Linotype matrix code, but also for all matrices that meet search criteria; e.g., Helvetica bold in 8 pt to 10 pt sizes.
- ERD changed to optimize size of database, and to accommodate more edge cases in the description and use of Linotype matrices.git
- Bootstrap
- Ember
- ember-cli-flash —
ember install ember-cli-flash
- ember-local-storage —
ember install ember-local-storage
For assurance, run npm install
| |--row-header
| | |--search-selector
| | | |--radio-code
| | | '--radio-attributes
| | |--user-info
| | | |--name
| | | '--organization
| | |--register-settings
| | '--sign-in-out
| |--search-attributes
| | |--main-position
| | | |--size
| | | |--font
| | | |--face
| | | |--weight
| | | |--width
| | | |--figures
| | | |--ck-outline
| | | |--ck-relief
| | | |--ck-strikethrough
| | | '--ck-underline
| | |--aux-position
| | | |--size
| | | |--font
| | | |--face
| | | |--weight
| | | |--width
| | | |--figures
| | | |--ck-outline
| | | |--ck-relief
| | | |--ck-strikethrough
| | | '--ck-underline
| | |--miscellaneous
| | | |--ck-emboss
| | | |--ck-ttysetting
| | | |--ck-vertical
| | | '--ck-self-spacing
| '--table-matrices (Bootstrap table)
| '--sign-in-form
| |--email-input
| '--password-input
| '--sign-up-form
| |--email-input
| |--password-input (twice)
| |--name-input
| '--organization-input
|--new-password-input (twice)
Eric Scace wrote all the documentation and code.
- All content is licensed under a CCBYNCSA 4.0 license.
- All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3.
- See also General Assembly and MIT license terms.
- For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact legal@ga.co.