This is a Contribuition Script! Is not Official or Developed by Team!
All configurations are following the Officials Bitcanna Guides
This Script are prepared to Install and Configure a Bitcanna MasterNode or Bitcanna FullNode Wallet For Stake (PoS) on a Linux Virtual Private Server (VPS) with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server.
This is one file script and ONLY run once time for server!
To Run the MasterNode YOU NEED AT LEAST 100K (100.000) of BCNA (BitCanna Coins)!!
Please, Read the BitCanna WhitePaper at
Please, Protect your SERVER! Can use this script to Hardening Server ( or Do an Server Audit with Lynis (
PS: This Scripts always in development/Update/Upgrade every time. Sure you have know what are you doing!
- Add Allow Rule to Bitcanna Port on UFW Firewall (ONLY ADD 12888 PORT)
- Add Bitcanna jails on Fail2Ban
- Add User Terminal Console (under Dev..)
- Removed manually rpcuser and rpcpassword
- Can be run as root or as a user as member of sudo group Container:
- Create Username to Bitcanna Wallet
- Prepare User as a sudo member
- Download and Extract
- Configure Bitcanna run as Service
- Configuration Bitcanna FullNode to Proof-of-Stake (see BCNA FullNode Guide)
- Configuration Bitcanna MasterNode (see BCNA MasterNode Guide)
- Adding bitcanna AS BINary (just type: $ bitcannd OR $ bitcanna-cli )
- Encrypt wallets with password/passphrase
- Backup (wallet.dat + wallet address + dumpprivkey + wallet pass = WalletBackup.tar.gz)
- Final Cleaning and Fresh Running
To Best Experience of this script, Recommended set on Putty Console Window Settings. Should be: Columns:90 Rows:35 (check in screenshots/0-PuttyConf.png)
$ apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt install -y git unzip fail2ban ufw
$ git clone && chmod 770 -R BCNAScripts && ./BCNAScripts/
$ wget && chmod 700 && ./
$ Please, Check all code! Not Judge me before read it! So much work done here, some respect will be gratefull $
You like, as usefull, or saved you much time fell free do give tips to get some CBD with Bitcanna Coins. BCNA: B9bMDqgoAY7XA5bCwiUazdLKA78h4nGyfL
With many 420 Times and Dedication I hope all Bitcanna Team-Dev-Supporter-Investors-Cosummers-Community A Good enjoy of this script. And have a good reduce on THC use :P I am grateful to/get help/ed with knowlodgement contribution and retribution!
Its every time open to new things to implementation. (Thank you ALL to help to do this better)
Bitcanna Telegram Channel (
Need a VPS to run your FullNode or MasterNode?? Time4VPS:
Need Get Some BitCanna To Staking or MasterNode? CoinDeal: Stex: