A fullstack React + Node.js/Express web app with sqlite as dbms, utilizing Axios for api communication. Developed by Erik Karlsson, Mohammed Darouich, Andreas Windefelt, Hadi Ilani, Anton Youmortaji, Daniel Bredberg for intermediate software engineering course at Örebro University.
- Node.js is installed on the system
Clone the repository, then enter the repository with your prefered method (cd workout_app
for example)
Run these following commands to install everything:
npm install
cd frontend
npm install
cd ..
If you want to test and develop on your , run: npm run dev
and frontend will start at localhost:3000
and backend at localhost:8000
If you want to deploy it as a proper website or experience optimal performance run
cd frontend
npm run build
cd ..
npm run production
and an optimal frontend will be built and served by the backend. Navigate to http://localhost:8000.
To run tests: npm test