For Windows:
Download ZIP file and extract.
Next you will need to install Cygwin: https://cygwin.com/install.html
When installing Cygwin, be sure you install the following packages:
- gcc-core
- libgcc1
- make
After installing Cygwin and the necessary packages,
- open a Cygwin terminal and navigate to inside the 'Chess-Master' folder.
- From there run "make Chess", then run "./Chess"
For Linux:
- Download files
- Run "make Chess", then run "./Chess"
- You can make a selection from the menus by typing the number that's associated with the option you want.
- Inputting moves follow a strict format, <fileFrom><rankFrom> <fileTo><rankTo>
- An example of moving the e2 pawn as white up two ranks would be "e2 e4" without quotes.
Arthur Baylian
Eric Rodriguez
Jared Axelrod
Jeff Chan
Jose Sahagun
Meghan Matibag
Saul Moreno