More to come soon, hopefully I don't abandon this project
MVP features:
- TypeScript/JavaScript Entity creation with CRUD methods
- Type-safe database queries
- Transactions
- Migrations (?)
- Seeding the DB
- Only Postgres
- PgBouncer support (prepared statements opt-in setting)
- Support for NodeJS
- Heavily tested(unit, integration)
What I need to build:
- Entity Creation API
- CRUD operations
- CI/CD with auto linting, test checks, deployment to npm
- Contribution guides, clear vision and roadmap
Intended Packages Structure:
@kurut/core - core functionality, such as model definition, CRUD methods, connections
@kurut/cli - CLI helper
@kurut/docs - Docusaurus documentation
@kurut/postgres - Postgres adapter
@kurut/mysql - MySQL adapter, should be compatible with PlanetScale too
@kurut/{INSERT-DATABASE} - it should be simple to add new DB adapters, each adhering to @kurut/core functionality
Example API:
import { table, string, int, relation, timestamp, kurut } from "@kurut/core"
export const User = table("User", {
id: string().id(), // id() marks the column as primary key. multi column primary keys should be available too
email: string().unique(), // will automatically generate a unique index in migration
name: string({ maxLength: 30 }).notNull(), // every type builder function such as string() may take parameters, such as maxLength, etc
profileId: int().notNull(),
profile: relation(() => Profile, (tableOne, tableTwo) => ({ references: [], fields: [tableOne.profileId] }))
export const Profile = table("Profile", {
id: string().id(),
createdAt: timestamp().default(() => now()), // default(() => ...) will set default value for this column. strong type safety required, timestamp can't use default(() => string("KURUT"))
userId: int().notNull(),
user: relation(() => User, (tableOne, tableTwo) => ({ references: [], fields: [tableOne.userId] }))
// create a KurutClient instance, the connection to DB is established on first query and then re-used
const db = kurut({ schema })
async function main() {
const connectionString = process.env.DATABASE_URL // PostgreSQL connection string
const kurut = await connect(connectionString, models)
const firstUser = await kurut.user.safeFindFirst()
console.log( // type-safe access
inspired by zod:
import { k } from '@kurut/core'
const firstUser = table.safeFindFirst()
typeof === 'string'