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A mod for the game Stardew Valley, allows players and modders to spawn customizable features from each of Stardew’s farm types. Requires the SMAPI mod loader.


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Farm Type Manager

This mod allows players and modders to customize features from Stardew Valley's different farm maps. It can spawn forageable plants, large objects (e.g. stumps and boulders), ore, and monsters at any location in the game. Users can configure the number of objects spawned per day, which areas or terrain types they can spawn on, the chances of spawning each object type, and more.



  1. Install the latest version of SMAPI.
  2. Download FarmTypeManager from the Releases page on GitHub or from Nexus Mods.
  3. Unzip FarmTypeManager into your Stardew Valley\Mods folder.

If you use other mods that require Farm Type Manager, then you’re all set here!

If you want to customize Farm Type Manager’s settings yourself, follow these instructions:


  1. Run the game using SMAPI.
  2. Load the farm you want to customize, or create a new character and progress past the game's intro. This will create a .json configuration file for your character in the Stardew Valley\Mods\FarmTypeManager\data folder.
  3. Find the .json file with your character's name on it. Load it with the ConfigEditor.html file in the FarmTypeManager folder, or edit manually with any text editor.
  4. Customize the file's settings (see Examples or Settings) and save your changes.
  5. Exit your farm and reload it, or progress to the next in-game day. The mod's settings should now be active.

Note: This mod will be disabled in multiplayer when you play as a farmhand (i.e. join a game hosted by someone else). Its console commands will still function, though.


Farm Type Manager supports translation of its Generic Mod Config Menu (GMCM) setting names and descriptions.

The mod will load a file from the FarmTypeManager/i18n folder that matches the current language code. If no matching translation exists, it will use default.json.

See the Stardew Valley Wiki's Modding:Translations page for more information. Please feel free to submit translation files through GitHub, Nexus Mods, ModDrop, or Discord.

Available Languages

Language File Contributor(s)
English default.json Esca-MMC
Brazilian Portuguese pt-BR.json roanrobersson
Dutch nl.json UnrealThingTriesCode
French fr.json Fsecho7
German de.json 777PamPam777
Turkish tr.json Rupurudu
Ukrainian uk.json burunduk


Below are a few examples of changes you can make to your character's configuration file, spawning various things on your farm or the other in-game maps.

Spawn forage and respawn existing stumps on the farm

"ForageSpawnEnabled": true,
"LargeObjectSpawnEnabled": true,

Your farm's stumps will respawn every day.

Randomly spawn new logs and boulders on the farm

"LargeObjectSpawnEnabled": true,
"Large_Object_Spawn_Settings": {
    "Areas": [
        "ObjectTypes": [
          "Log", "Boulder"
        "FindExistingObjectLocations": false,
        "MapName": "Farm",
        "MinimumSpawnsPerDay": 0,
        "MaximumSpawnsPerDay": 2,
        "IncludeTerrainTypes": ["Grass", "Dirt", "Diggable"],

Most days, logs and/or boulders will spawn on the farm.

Spawn ore in a specific area of Cindersap Forest

"OreSpawnEnabled": true,
"Ore_Spawn_Settings": {
    "Areas": [
        "MapName": "Forest",
        "MinimumSpawnsPerDay": 1,
        "MaximumSpawnsPerDay": 5,
        "IncludeCoordinates": [ "65,22/74,27" ],

Ore will spawn in a specific area of the Forest map.

Spawn LOTS of forage on the farm, but not near the house

"ForageSpawnEnabled": true,
"Forage_Spawn_Settings": {
    "Areas": [
        "MapName": "Farm",
        "MinimumSpawnsPerDay": 9999,
        "MaximumSpawnsPerDay": 9999,
        "IncludeTerrainTypes": [ "All" ],
        "ExcludeCoordinates": [ "69,17;57,10" ]

Forage will spawn everywhere on the Farm map, except around the house.

Spawn modded plants on the mod-enabled summit, but only after rainy days, and only after year 1

"ForageSpawnEnabled": true,
  "Forage_Spawn_Settings": {
    "Areas": [
        "SpringItemIndex": [ "Mint", "Juniper" ],
        "SummerItemIndex": [ "Mint", "Juniper" ],
        "FallItemIndex": [ "Mint", "Juniper" ],
        "WinterItemIndex": [],
        "MapName": "Summit",
        "MinimumSpawnsPerDay": 4,
        "MaximumSpawnsPerDay": 8,
        "IncludeTerrainTypes": [
        "ExtraConditions": {
          "Years": [ "2+" ],
          "WeatherYesterday": [ "Rain", "Storm" ],

Custom forage spawned on a mod-enabled map with specific time and weather conditions.


This mod adds the following commands to SMAPI's console.

These commands require the Console Commands mod, which is installed automatically by SMAPI. They can also be disabled in Farm Type Manager's config.json file if desired. See Mod Settings.


Enter whereami in SMAPI's console to display information about the current map, including:

  • The map's name (e.g. "Farm" or "BusStop")
  • Your current tile's X/Y coordinates
  • The tile's terrain type (e.g. "Dirt" or "Stone")
  • Whether the tile is "Diggable" with tools
  • The tile's image index number (used to identify "Quarry" tiles or set up the "Custom" tile list)


Enter list_monsters in SMAPI's console to display a list of available monster names to use with the MonsterName spawn setting.

The command will list the primary name of each monster from Stardew Valley itself, and then scan other mods for custom monster classes.

The full provided name should be used in the MonsterName setting. Example: "MyModName.CustomMonster"


Enter remove_items in SMAPI's console to delete items or objects from the game world. This may be useful for certain objects that players can't remove normally.

The command supports these formats:

Format Description
remove_items Removes an item directly in front of the player.
remove_items <x> <y> Removes an item from the specified tile of the player's current location (a.k.a. map). Example: remove_items 10 20
remove_items permanent Removes all items spawned by FTM with "CanBePickedUp" set to false, at the player's current location (a.k.a. map). Designed to clean up after FTM content pack bugs.

Mod Settings

These settings are in the config.json file, which is in the mod's main folder: Stardew Valley\Mods\FarmTypeManager. They change the behavior of the mod itself, rather than a specific farm or content pack.

Name Valid settings Description
EnableConsoleCommands true, false Enables or disables this mod's commands in the SMAPI console. This may be helpful if other mods use similar command names.
EnableContentPacks true, false Enables or disables any installed content packs for Farm Type Manager. If disabled, only "personal" config files in the FarmTypeManager/data folder will be used.
EnableTraceLogMessages true, false Enables or disables [TRACE]-level messages in the SMAPI error log.
EnableEPUDebugMessages true, false Enables or disables debug messages when Expanded Preconditions Utility (EPU) is used to check preconditions.
MonsterLimitPerLocation An integer (minimum 0), or null If a single map already contains this number of monsters, the mod will skip spawning any additional monsters there. Use this setting if your content packs are spawning too many monsters, causing Stardew to run slowly.

Spawn Settings

The settings below control how Farm Type Manager spawns objects and monsters. The settings are found in each content pack's content.json file. Creating/loading a farm will also generate a "personal" config file for that farm in the FarmTypeManager\data folder. Personal config files are named after the farm's save data folder, such as FarmerName_12345.json.

Any text editor should be able to open these config files. However, you can also use the ConfigEditor.html file in the FarmTypeManager folder to edit these config files. The Config Editor is an editor that should work in any web browser and make it easier to understand each setting.

The mod will also generate a default.json file in the FarmTypeManager\data folder. Any newly generated config files will copy those settings. This can be useful if you create new farms frequently, or to customize settings for several farms at once.

Deleting any config file in the FarmTypeManager\data folder will allow it to be regenerated with default settings.

Basic Settings

This section covers the simple on/off switches you can use to enable default configurations, which work similarly to "vanilla" Stardew Valley farm types.

Name Valid settings Description Notes
ForageSpawnEnabled true, false Enables or disables spawning forageable plants. When set to true with other default settings, this will work similarly to the Forest Farm, randomly spawning forage items on the farm each day.
LargeObjectSpawnEnabled true, false Enables or disable spawning large objects (e.g. stumps). When set to true with other default settings, this will find any existing large stumps on your farm and cause those to respawn each day.
OreSpawnEnabled true, false Enables or disables spawning ore. When set to true with other default settings, this will work similarly to the Hill-top Farm, spawning various kinds of ore on any "Quarry" terrain your farm may have. (If you're not using the Hill-top Farm or a custom farm with similar-looking quarries, ore might not spawn. You'll need to change the IncludeTerrainTypes or IncludeCoordinates settings in the ore section.)
MonsterSpawnEnabled true, false Enables or disables spawning monsters. When set to true with other default settings, this will work similarly to the Wilderness Farm, spawning various monsters on the farm at night when players are present. The monster types change at higher Combat skill levels.

The sections below cover the more advanced options for each spawn type. When the basic features above are enabled, the mod will use the Spawn Settings to determine which objects should be spawned, how many to spawn each day, and where to put them.

General Spawn Settings

This section covers the general settings that appear in every spawner section.

Name Valid settings Description Notes
Areas (see Notes) A list of "spawn areas", which are groups of spawn settings for one "area" of a single map. Each "area" describes a set of objects/monsters to spawn, exactly where they can spawn on a single map, and various optional spawning rules. To spawn things to multiple maps (or the same map with multiple "areas"), create copies of the entire bracketed section and separate them with commas: "Areas": [ { Area 1 settings }, { Area 2 settings }, { Area 3 settings } ]
UniqueAreaID Any unique name: "Spawn area 1", etc A unique nickname for this area. This is used by the save system to record certain info for each area, and it appears in SMAPI's error log. If the same ID is used for multiple areas, the duplicates will be automatically renamed. Changing this later might cause minor problems with existing save data, e.g. resetting LimitedNumberOfSpawns.
MapName Any map name: "Farm", "BusStop", etc The name of the in-game location where objects will spawn. Go to an in-game location and use the whereami command in SMAPI's console to view its map name (see Commands).
MinimumSpawnsPerDay An integer (less than or equal to the maximum) The minimum number of objects to spawn each day. If the spawn number is very high (e.g. 9999), objects will spawn until they run out of valid space. Numbers <= 0 are valid choices; negative numbers increase the chance of spawning 0 objects for the day.
MaximumSpawnsPerDay An integer (greater than or equal to the minimum) The maximum* number of objects to spawn each day. If the spawn number is very high (e.g. 9999), objects will spawn until they run out of valid space. This maximum can be affected by other settings. e.g. "percent extra spawns per skill level" or "maximum simultaneous spawns".
IncludeTerrainTypes "Diggable", "Grass", "Dirt", "Stone", "Wood", "All", "Quarry", "Custom" A list of terrains where objects can spawn. The "All" setting will let objects spawn on any open, valid tiles. Multiple terrain types can be included by separating them with commas: "IncludeTerrainTypes": ["Grass", "Diggable"]
ExcludeTerrainTypes "Diggable", "Grass", "Dirt", "Stone", "Wood", "All", "Quarry", "Custom" A list of terrains where objects cannot spawn. See the notes for IncludeTerrainTypes to choose types. Any types covered by ExcludeTerrainTypes will not be used to spawn objects, overriding IncludeTerrainTypes and IncludeCoordinates.
IncludeCoordinates "x,y/x,y" tile coordinates A list of coordinates for areas where objects can spawn. Use the whereami command (see Commands) to get a tile's coordinates. Any space between the two coordinates you use will be open for spawning. Separate multiple include areas with commas: "IncludeCoordinates": ["0,0/100,100", "125,125/125,125"]
ExcludeCoordinates "x,y/x,y" tile coordinates A list of coordinates for areas where objects cannot spawn. See the notes for IncludeCoordinates to find coordinates. Any space covered by ExcludeCoordinates will not be used to spawn objects, overriding IncludeTerrainTypes and IncludeCoordinates.
StrictTileChecking "Maximum", "High", "Medium", "Low", "None" How strictly the mod will validate included tiles. Depending on the map's internal settings (especially in custom farms), Stardew might consider some tiles "invalid for object placement". If your other settings seem correct but nothing will spawn, try adjusting this setting. Note that "Low" and "None" might result in missing spawns: if a tile really can't have objects, the mod might still think it's valid. This might also cause spawning in water, cliffs, buildings, etc.
DaysUntilSpawnsExpire null or an integer The number of days spawns will exist before disappearing. If set to null, spawned objects will behave normally. If set to a positive number, any spawns will only disappear after that number of days (or when removed by a player). If set to 0, spawns will never automatically disappear. Using this setting will protect forage from the game's weekly cleanup process.
CustomTileIndex A list of integers A list of index numbers from the game's tilesheet images, used by the "Custom" setting for IncludeTerrainTypes. If the IncludeTerrainTypes setting above includes the "Custom" option, any tiles with these spritesheet index numbers will be valid spawn locations. You can find a tile's index number by standing on it and using the whereami command, or by using map/spritesheet modding tools.

Item Settings

This section describes the item formats used in the forage spawner's index lists (e.g. SpringItemIndex) and in MonsterTypes' optional "Loot" lists.

The lists can contain a mixture of object IDs (e.g. 206), object names (e.g. "pizza"), or complex item definitions inside curly braces (e.g. {"category": "object", "name": "pizza"}).

For a more detailed description of the complex item settings, see the table below.

Name Required Valid settings Description Notes
Category Yes "Barrel", "Big Craftable", "Boots", "Breakable", "Buried", "Chest", "Crate", "DGA", "Fence", "Gate", "Furniture", "Hat", "Object", "Pants", "Ring", "Shirt", "Tool", "Weapon" The category of the spawned item. "Breakable" will randomly produce a barrel or crate. "Buried" will create an artifact spot with customizable "Contents".
Name Yes An item name or ID, e.g. "Red Mushroom" The name or ID of the spawned item. This setting is required except when the category is a container (e.g. "chest" or "breakable").
CanBePickedUp No true, false When set to false, players will not be allowed to pick up this item. "True" has no effect. Furniture and craftables set to false can be used, but not picked up. This setting has no effect on containers or monster loot. Please use caution with this setting. If necessary, players can use the remove_items command to override this.
Contents No A list of other items, e.g. [16, "joja cola"] A list of items within this container. This setting will be ignored by non-container item categories. It uses the same formatting as other item lists, so it can use complex item definitions as well.
PercentChanceToSpawn No An integer or decimal (minimum 0), e.g. 50 for a 50% chance The percent chance of spawning this object. If the random chance fails, this item will not spawn. This setting can be used for forage, loot, and the contents of containers.
Rotation No An integer (minimum/default 0) The number of times to rotate a furniture item before spawning it. This setting will be ignored by non-furniture items. The number of possible orientations is determined by each furniture item; 1, 2, and 4 are the most common.
SpawnWeight No An integer (minimum/default 1) The weighted spawn chance of this forage type. Increases the odds of spawning this forage type instead of others, similar to adding multiple copies of it to a forage list. Has no effect in "loot" or "contents" lists. Example: If this forage type's weight is 5 and another type's weight is 1, this type will spawn 5 times as often.
Stack No An integer (minimum 1) The number of items to spawn as a single inventory "stack". This setting should affect any categories capable of stacking. The maximum stack size varies for each item type; higher values will be reduced to the actual maximum.

Here is an example loot list that uses all three formats. It would cause a defeated monster to drop Wild Horseradish, Joja Cola, and a Galaxy Sword.

  "joja cola",
    "category": "weapon",
    "name": "galaxy sword"

Here is an example forage list that spawns a chest containing Wild Horseradish, Joja Cola, and a Galaxy Sword.

    "category": "chest",
      "joja cola",
        "category": "weapon",
        "name": "galaxy sword"

Spawn Timing Settings

This section is available for each spawn area and affects the time of day when objects will be spawned.

Name Valid settings Description Notes
StartTime A Stardew time integer, e.g. 600 for 6:00AM or 2550 for 1:50AM The earliest time objects can spawn. Objects spawned by this area will be randomly assigned times between StartTime and EndTime.
EndTime A Stardew time integer, e.g. 600 for 6:00AM or 2550 for 1:50AM The latest time objects can spawn. Objects spawned by this area will be randomly assigned times between StartTime and EndTime.
MinimumTimeBetweenSpawns An integer (multiple of 10; minimum 10) The minimum number of in-game minutes between each spawn. Randomly chosen spawn times will always be at least this many minutes apart. Example: If this value is 20 and some objects spawn at 6:10AM, nothing will spawn at 6:00 or 6:20.
MaximumSimultaneousSpawns An integer (minimum 1), or null The maximum number of objects this area will spawn at a specific time. This will override the number of objects spawned per day if every spawn time has already reached this maximum.
OnlySpawnIfAPlayerIsPresent true, false Whether objects will spawn while no players are present at the in-game map. If true and no players are present, any spawns assigned to the current time will be skipped; they will not be delayed until later.
SpawnSound The name of a loaded sound, or blank: "" A Stardew sound effect that will play when this area spawns objects. This setting is case-sensitive and uses the Sound Bank IDs available in this modding spreadsheet.

Extra Conditions

Name Valid settings Description Notes
ExtraConditions (see Notes) A set of optional conditions required to spawn objects in an area. These can be used to restrict spawning to certain times or weather conditions. Each setting will be ignored if it is set to its default, i.e. [] or null.
Years A list of integers, ranges, or "Any"/"All" A list of years in which things are allowed to spawn. Years should be inside the brackets with quotation marks, separated by commas if multiple are listed. They can be listed as single years, ranges, or with a + to include any following years. See these examples: ["1"] ["2-4"] ["1", "3+"]
Seasons A list of season names: "Spring", "Summer", "Fall", "Winter", or "Any"/"All" A list of seasons in which things are allowed to spawn. Seasons should be inside the brackets with quotation marks, separated by commas if multiple are listed. See these examples: ["Spring"], ["Summer", "Winter"]
Days A list of integers, ranges, or "Any"/"All" A list of days on which things are allowed to spawn. Days should be inside the brackets with quotation marks, separated by commas if multiple are listed. They can be listed as single days, ranges, or with a + to include any following days. See these examples: ["1"] ["2-14"] ["1", "8+"]
WeatherYesterday A list of weather names: "Sun", "Wind", "Rain", "Storm", "Snow", or "Any"/"All" Things will be allowed to spawn if yesterday's weather matched a name from this list. Weather names should be inside the brackets with quotation marks, separated by commas if multiple are listed. Note that windy days do not count as sunny, and storms do not count as rain; remember to include both if needed. See these examples: ["Snow"], ["Sun", "Wind"], ["Rain", "Storm", "Snow"]
WeatherToday A list of weather names: "Sun", "Wind", "Rain", "Storm", "Snow", or "Any"/"All" Things will be allowed to spawn if today's weather matches a name from this list. Weather names should be inside the brackets with quotation marks, separated by commas if multiple are listed. Note that windy days do not count as sunny, and storms do not count as rain; remember to include both if needed. See these examples: ["Snow"], ["Sun", "Wind"], ["Rain", "Storm", "Snow"]
WeatherTomorrow A list of weather names: "Sun", "Wind", "Rain", "Storm", "Snow", or "Any"/"All" Things will be allowed to spawn if tomorrow's weather forecast matches a name from this list. Weather names should be inside the brackets with quotation marks, separated by commas if multiple are listed. Note that windy days do not count as sunny, and storms do not count as rain; remember to include both if needed. See these examples: ["Snow"], ["Sun", "Wind"], ["Rain", "Storm", "Snow"]
GameStateQueries A list of game state queries (GSQs) Things will be allowed to spawn if any of the listed strings are true at the start of the day. See the wiki's article on game state queries for usage information. Format example: "GameStateQueries": ["PLAYER_HAS_FLAG Any 1234", "PLAYER_HAS_FLAG Any 5678"]
CPConditions A set of Content Patcher "When" conditions Things will be allowed to spawn if all of the provided conditions are true at the start of the day. See Content Patcher's mod author guides for usage information. Format example: "CPConditions": {"HasFlag": "beenToWoods", "FarmCave": "Mushrooms"}
EPUPreconditions A list of EPU preconditions Things will be allowed to spawn if any of the listed strings are true at the start of the day. This feature requires Expanded Preconditions Utility. See EPU's readme for usage information. In multiplayer, only the host's info will be checked. The conditions t <mintime> <maxtime> and x <letter ID> should not be used and are not supported.
LimitedNumberOfSpawns An integer The number of times this area will spawn things before stopping. At the end of each day, if things spawned here without being prevented by other "extra conditions", this number will count down by 1 (record in the separate .save file). Once it reaches zero, the area will stop spawning things. Note that unlike other ExtraConditions settings, this does not need to be in brackets or quotations. Example: 1

Forage Spawn Settings

Name Valid settings Description Notes
SpringItemIndex (Area) null, (see Notes) The index numbers and/or item names for forage items to spawn in spring in this area. This setting is per-area and will override the global SpringItemIndex setting below. Leave this set to null unless you want different spring forage items in a specific area. Fill this in by copying the format of the global version below.
SummerItemIndex (Area) null, (see Notes) The index numbers and/or item names for forage items to spawn in summer in this area. This setting is per-area and will override the global SummerItemIndex setting below. Leave this set to null unless you want different summer forage items in a specific area. Fill this in by copying the format of the global version below.
FallItemIndex (Area) null, (see Notes) The index numbers and/or item names for forage items to spawn in fall in this area. This setting is per-area and will override the global FallItemIndex setting below. Leave this set to null unless you want different fall forage items in a specific area. Fill this in by copying the format of the global version below.
WinterItemIndex (Area) null, (see Notes) The index numbers and/or item names for forage items to spawn in winter in this area. This setting is per-area and will override the global WinterItemIndex setting below. Leave this set to null unless you want different winter forage items in a specific area. Fill this in by copying the format of the global version below.
PercentExtraSpawnsPerForagingLevel Any integer (default 0) The % of extra forage spawned for each level of Foraging skill. In multiplayer, this is based on the highest skill level among all players (even if they're offline). For example, setting this to 10 will spawn +10% forage items per level; if a farmhand has the best Foraging skill of level 8, there will be 80% more forage each day.
SpringItemIndex (Global) A list of integers and/or item names, e.g. [16, "Red Mushroom"] The index numbers and/or item names for forage items to spawn in spring. By default, these are the forage items normally spawned on the Forest Farm during spring. For formatting information, see the Item Settings section.
SummerItemIndex (Global) A list of integers and/or item names, e.g. [16, "Red Mushroom"] The index numbers for forage items to spawn in summer. By default, these are the forage items normally spawned on the Forest Farm during summer. For formatting information, see the Item Settings section.
FallItemIndex (Global) A list of integers and/or item names, e.g. [16, "Red Mushroom"] The index numbers for forage items to spawn in fall. By default, these are the forage items normally spawned on the Forest Farm during fall. For formatting information, see the Item Settings section.
WinterItemIndex (Global) A list of integers and/or item names, e.g. [16, "Red Mushroom"] The index numbers for forage items to spawn in winter. By default, this is empty because forage doesn't normally spawn during winter. To add winter forage, use the same format as the other ItemIndex settings above. For formatting information, see the Item Settings section.

Large Object Spawn Settings

Name Valid settings Description Notes
ObjectTypes "Stump", "Log", "Boulder", "Quarry Boulder", "Meteorite", "Mine Rock 1", "Mine Rock 2", "Mine Rock 3", "Mine Rock 4", "Weed 1", "Weed 2", a giant crop ID, or an Item Extensions clump ID A list of object types to spawn. Objects spawned in this area will be chosen randomly from this list. Adding the same object type multiple times will increase its chances. Separate multiple objects with commas: "ObjectTypes: [ "Stump", "Log", "Meteorite" ]
FindExistingObjectLocations true, false Finds any existing objects listed in ObjectTypes and adds them to the IncludeCoordinates list. This can be used to automatically find existing objects' coordinates and respawn them each day. It will set itself to "false" in your settings file after completion.
PercentExtraSpawnsPerSkillLevel Any integer (default 0) The % of extra objects spawned for each level of the RelatedSkill. In multiplayer, this is based on the highest skill level among all players (even if they're offline). For example, setting this to 10 will spawn +10% items per skill level; if a farmhand has the best skill of level 8, there will be 80% more objects each day.
RelatedSkill "Farming", "Fishing", "Foraging", "Mining", "Combat" The skill used by PercentExtraSpawnsPerSkillLevel to spawn extra objects.

Ore Spawn Settings

Name Valid settings Description Notes
MiningLevelRequired (Area) null, (see Notes) The minimum Mining skill level needed to spawn each ore type in this area. This setting is per-area and will override the global MiningLevelRequired setting below. Leave this set to null unless you want different level requirements in a specific area. Fill this in by copying the format of the global version below.
StartingSpawnChance (Area) null, (see Notes) Each ore type’s chance of spawning with the minimum required Mining skill in this area. This setting is per-area and will override the global StartingSpawnChance setting below. Leave this set to null unless you want different chances in a specific area. Fill this in by copying the format of the global version below.
LevelTenSpawnChance (Area) null, (see Notes) Each ore type’s chance of spawning with level 10 Mining skill in this area. This setting is per-area and will override the global LevelTenSpawnChance setting below. Leave this set to null unless you want different chances in a specific area. Fill this in by copying the format of the global version below.
PercentExtraSpawnsPerMiningLevel An integer (default 0) The % of extra ore spawned for each level of Mining skill. In multiplayer, this is based on the highest skill level among all players (even if they're offline). For example, setting this to 10 will spawn +10% ore per Mining level; if a farmhand has the best Mining skill of level 8, there will be 80% more ore each day.
MiningLevelRequired (Global) 0-10 The minimum Mining skill level needed
{to spawn each ore type. An ore type won't start spawning until any player (even offline farmhands) has the listed Mining skill.
StartingSpawnChance (Global) 0 or more Each ore type's chance of spawning with the minimum required Mining skill. These numbers are weighted chances; they don't need to add up to 100. The defaults are roughly based on the native game's spawn chances with slight increases.
LevelTenSpawnChance (Global) 0 or more Each ore type's chance of spawning with level 10 Mining skill. Chances will drift gradually from StartingSpawnChance to LevelTenSpawnChance. For example, in the default settings, frozen geodes' chances of spawning from level 5 to 10 are 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2.

Monster Spawn Settings

Name Valid settings Description Notes
MonsterTypes A list of "monster type" sections (see Notes) A list of monster types to spawn, containing a name and list of optional settings. Separate each monster type with commas: "MonsterTypes": [ { "MonsterName": "bat", "Settings": {} }, { "MonsterName": "ghost", "Settings": {"HP": 1, "Damage": 0} } ]
MonsterName The name of an in-game monster, e.g. "green slime" The "base" monster used by a Monster Type. Spawned monsters use existing monster classes, but can be individually customized by the optional "Settings" list below. To find a monster name, use the list_monsters command.
Settings A list of setting names and values, e.g. "HP": 1 A list of optional customization settings to apply to a Monster Type. See the Monster Type Settings section below for more information about each setting. Separate each setting with commas: "Settings": {"HP": 999, "Sprite":"Characters/Monsters/Skeleton"}

Monster Type Settings

Name Valid settings Description Notes
SpawnWeight An integer (minimum/default 1) The weighted spawn chance of this monster type. Increases the odds of spawning this monster type instead of others, similar to adding multiple copies of it to the list. Example: If this monster type's weight is 5 and another type's weight is 1, this type will spawn 5 times as often.
HP An integer (minimum 1) The monster's maximum health.
CurrentHP An integer (minimum 1) The monster's current (not maximum) health at spawn. This is mainly useful for "themed" monsters to spawn with injuries, or monsters capable of healing themselves.
PersistentHP true, false Whether the monster will keep any HP damage overnight. This only applies to monsters with DaysUntilSpawnsExpire settings.
Damage An integer (minimum 0) The amount of damage the monster's attacks deal. Some monster types/attacks ignore this setting and use hard-coded damage values, e.g. skeleton bone-throwing attacks.
Defense An integer (minimum 0) Attacks that hit the monster are reduced by this much damage.
DodgeChance An integer (minimum 0) The percent chance the monster will completely ignore each attack.
EXP An integer (minimum 0) Defeating the monster will give players this amount of Combat skill experience. Even with this setting, Stardew does not give players experience for defeating monsters at the farm.
Loot A list of integers and/or item names, e.g. [16, "Red Mushroom"] A list of items the monster will drop when defeated. By default, loot is not randomized; use multiple monster types or items with "PercentChanceToSpawn" settings to randomize loot. An empty list will cause the monster to drop nothing. For formatting information, see the Item Settings section.
ExtraLoot true, false If false, the monster will no longer drop certain type-specific items when defeated. This can be used to disable loot that otherwise ignores the "Loot" setting. Examples include Slime color-specific items, Pepper Rex eggs and bones, etc.
SightRange An integer The tile distance (in a square pattern) at which this monster can see players and become aggressive. Use -2 or lower to disable aggression completely. -1 might cause automatic aggression, similar to "SeesPlayersAtSpawn".
SeesPlayersAtSpawn true, false If true, the monster will always be aware of players, regardless of distance. Slimes with this setting will have red eyes and behave aggressively.
RangedAttacks true, false If false, the monster will not use any ranged attacks. This setting may not affect new monster types added by other mods.
InstantKillImmunity true, false If true, the monster will be immune to certain effects that instantly defeat monsters. Currently, this prevents the monster being eaten by the Frog Egg trinket.
StunImmunity true, false If true, the monster will be immune to certain effects that stun monsters. Currently, this prevents the monster being frozen by the Ice Rod trinket.
FacingDirection "up", "down", "left", "right" The direction the monster is facing when it spawns. Spikers will attack in the chosen direction (or a single random direction if this setting is not used).
Segments An integer (minimum 0) The number of extra body parts this monster will have (if applicable). Slimes will have this number of extra slimes "stacked" on top of them. Royal Serpents will have this number of extra tail segments.
Sprite The "address" of a loaded asset A loaded spritesheet to replace this monster's default sprite. These can be default assests in Stardew or those loaded by a mod like Content Patcher. Examples: "Characters/Monsters/Skeleton" or "Animals/horse"
Color A string of RGB or RGBA values, e.g. "255 0 0" The monster's color and transparency level. This setting overrides MinColor and Maxcolor. It currently only applies to slimes, big slimes, and metal heads. Values can range from 0 to 255 and optionally include alpha transparency, e.g.: "0 0 0" or "0 0 0 127"
MinColor A string of RGB or RGBA values, e.g. "0 0 0" The minimum color and transparency randomly applied to this monster. This setting will be ignored unless MaxColor is also provided. See Color above for formatting.
MaxColor A string of RGB or RGBA values, e.g. "255 255 255" The maximum color and transparency randomly applied to this monster. This setting will be ignored unless MinColor is also provided. See Color above for formatting.
Gender A string, e.g. "M" or "F" (random by default) The monster's gender. Only affects small slimes. Male slimes ("M") will spawn with an antenna. Female slimes ("F") will not.
RelatedSkill "Farming", "Fishing", "Foraging", "Mining", "Combat" The player skill that affects the "Skill Level" settings below. If this setting isn't provided, the "Skill Level" settings below will be ignored. In multiplayer, these settings check the highest skill level among all players.
MinimumSkillLevel An integer (minimum 0) The minimum skill level required to spawn this monster type. This is based on the RelatedSkill setting.
MaximumSkillLevel An integer (minimum 0) The maximum skill level allowed to spawn this monster type. This is based on the RelatedSkill setting.
PercentExtraHPPerSkillLevel An integer The monster's HP is increased by this percentage, once for each skill level. This is based on the RelatedSkill setting. Negative values are valid and will decrease instead.
PercentExtraDamagePerSkillLevel An integer The monster's damage is increased by this percentage, once for each skill level. This is based on the RelatedSkill setting. Negative values are valid and will decrease instead.
PercentExtraDefensePerSkillLevel An integer The monster's defense is increased by this percentage, once for each skill level. This is based on the RelatedSkill setting. Negative values are valid and will decrease instead.
PercentExtraDodgeChancePerSkillLevel An integer The monster's dodge chance is increased by this percentage, once for each skill level. This is based on the RelatedSkill setting. Negative values are valid and will decrease instead.
PercentExtraEXPPerSkillLevel An integer The monster's EXP is increased by this percentage, once for each skill level. This is based on the RelatedSkill setting. Negative values are valid and will decrease instead.

Other Settings

Name Valid settings Description Notes
QuarryTileIndex Integer(s) A list of index numbers for "quarry" tiles in the game's tilesheet images. These have been manually chosen to match the "quarry" tiles in the game's Hill-top Farm and custom maps that use similar mining areas. They're provided here so that people familiar with editing Stardew maps can customize this mod's "Quarry" terrain setting.

File Conditions

Name Valid settings Description Notes
File_Conditions (see below) A list of conditions required to use this config file with a specific farm. These settings are primarily useful for content packs.
FarmTypes A list of: "Standard", "Riverland", "Forest", "Hilltop", "Wilderness", "FourCorners", "Beach", and/or custom farm type IDs A list of farm types for which this config file will be used. This is mainly for content packs that are combined with custom farm maps. For example, if a custom farm replaces your Standard farm type, set this to ["Standard"]. For custom farms added in Stardew v1.5.5+, use the farm type's full "ID" (e.g. ["MyName.MyMod/MyFarmType"]). For MTN farm types, use the "ID" from its farmTypes.json file (e.g. [177]).
FarmerNames A list of farmer names, e.g. ["Esca"] If one of this list's names matches the farmer's name, this config file will be used. This setting only checks the main farmer's name; it won't be affected by multiplayer farmhands.
SaveFileNames A list of save file names, e.g. ["Esca_1234567"] If one of these names matches the current farm's save file name, this config file will be used. A niche setting for when other conditions aren't effective at choosing a farm. Note that this technically checks the save folder name, not the save file itself.
OtherMods A list of mods' UniqueIDs and true or false (see Notes) If all of the player's loaded mods match this list, this config file will be used. This can be used to make a content pack or config file only activate with certain mod requirements. true means a mod must be installed, while false means it can't be installed. Example: OtherMods: { "Esca.FarmTypeManager" : true, "FakeModID" : false }

Content Packs

In version 1.4 and later, Farm Type Manager can use configuration files from content packs. They will be used in addition to the farm-specific files in the FarmTypeManager\data folder; they will not replace or override each other.

To create a content pack for Farm Type Manager:

  1. Create a new folder in the Stardew Valley\Mods folder. Its name should follow this format: [FTM] Your Pack Name
  2. Create a text file in the new folder called manifest.json. (See the Manifest wiki article for more info.) Copy the format below and fill in the settings appropriately:
  "Name": "Your Pack Name",
  "Author": "Your Name",
  "Version": "1.0.0",
  "Description": "Your description here. Briefly explain what the content pack does.",
  "UniqueID": "YourName.YourPackName",
  "MinimumApiVersion": "3.0.0",
  "UpdateKeys": [],
  "ContentPackFor": {
    "UniqueID": "Esca.FarmTypeManager",
    "MinimumVersion": "1.10.1"
  1. Create or copy a Farm Type Manager configuration file into the [FTM] Your Pack Name folder and name it content.json. The format is exactly the same as a farm configuration file from the FarmTypeManager\data folder.
  2. If you want to combine this content pack with a custom farm map or similar mod, consider editing the FarmTypes and/or OtherMods settings under File_Conditions at the bottom of the configuration file. (See the File Conditions section.)

SMAPI Mod Support

API Features

Farm Type Manager provides an API for other SMAPI mods. To access it in your C# mod:

  1. Copy the IFtmApi.cs file into your mod.
  2. After all mods are loaded, e.g. during a GameLaunched event, use SMAPI's Helper to get an API instance: var api = Helper.ModRegistry.GetApi<FarmTypeManager.IFtmApi>("Esca.FarmTypeManager");

Feel free to request additional features, but note that there are currently no plans for on-demand spawning through the API.

Adding Custom Monster Classes

The MonsterName setting in Farm Type Manager's monster spawn settings can use custom monster classes created by other mods. This process requires some knowledge of C# and SMAPI; you may also need to decompile and explore Stardew Valley's monster code.

Creating a custom class works as follows:

  1. Create a basic SMAPI mod. See the wiki's Modder Guide for more information. The mod doesn't need to perform any specific actions; it just needs to exist and be loaded by SMAPI.
  2. Within that mod (in any namespace or class), create a subclass of the StardewValley.Monster class or one of its existing subclasses (e.g. Ghost).
  3. Create a default constructor (no parameters) and a constructor with only a Vector2 parameter. The default is required for some of Stardew's internal behavior, while the Vector2 constructor is used by Farm Type Manager.
  4. Customize the monster as needed. Override virtual methods to change the monster's "base" behavior, and if the monster needs any new properties, remember to add them to the NetFields list and use ISerializable types.
  5. Once the mod is complete, you should be able to use the list_monsters command to find your custom monster's full name. Use that name with Farm Type Manager's MonsterName setting to spawn your monster.

An example project will likely be added in a future update. For now, please see Farm Type Manager's custom monster classes for examples of formatting and a few necessary bugfixes.


A mod for the game Stardew Valley, allows players and modders to spawn customizable features from each of Stardew’s farm types. Requires the SMAPI mod loader.








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