This collection provides comprehensive solutions to essential coding patterns, offering a valuable resource for developers aiming to enhance their problem-solving skills.
- Sliding Window
- Two Pointers
- Binary Search
- Depth-First Search (DFS)
- Breadth-First Search (BFS)
- Greedy Algorithms
Explore each coding pattern folder to find detailed explanations and solutions in javascript programming language. Whether you are preparing for coding interviews or looking to strengthen your algorithmic skills, this repository is designed to help you navigate and master essential coding patterns.
Feel free to contribute by adding new patterns, providing alternative solutions, or improving existing explanations. Together, let's build a valuable resource for the programming community.
The Sliding Window pattern is a technique for efficiently processing arrays or lists by maintaining a subset of elements within a 'window.' This section covers common problems and solutions related to the Sliding Window pattern.
The Two Pointers technique involves maintaining two pointers that traverse an array or sequence at different speeds. Discover various problems and solutions related to the Two Pointers pattern in this section.
Dynamic Programming is a powerful technique for solving problems by breaking them down into smaller overlapping subproblems. Explore dynamic programming solutions and concepts in this section.
Binary Search is an efficient algorithm for finding a specific element in a sorted collection. Dive into problems and solutions that leverage the Binary Search pattern.
Depth-First Search is a fundamental graph traversal technique. This section delves into DFS-related problems and solutions.
Breadth-First Search is another essential graph traversal technique, exploring problems and solutions associated with BFS.
Your contributions are highly welcome! If you have new coding patterns to add, alternative solutions, or improvements to existing content, please feel free to submit a pull request.
Happy coding!