A polyphonic synthesizer built with React, using the Web Audio API.
- Create function to map notes in a scale (eg. 'Am') to the visual keyboard & computer keyboard
- Eg. 'KeyA' => Scale (A) => Octave 3 => Note C#
- Finish styling & building controls panel
- Update code to leverage new custom audio classes for effects
- Add "Save as Preset" functionality
- Update some code to run in WebWorkers and/or AudioWorklets
- Add Metronome/Scheduler Web Worker
- Finish building the audio recording interface & functionality
- Consider building a backend service for processing the data & converting to various formats
- Ability add/remove oscillators that look like rack mount effects
- Ability to control each one independently and chain them together
- Ability to add effects to each
- Ability to turn each one on/off with a click
- Build the instrument interface like the Korg Kaoss