The AutoTS Forecasting project is a Python implementation leveraging the autots
library for streamlined time series forecasting. This tool automates the process of generating accurate forecasts with minimal coding effort. The primary focus is on predicting future values in time series data to facilitate well-informed decision-making.
Automatic Time Series Forecasting: Utilize the
library to automate the generation of time series forecasts. -
Forecast Visualization: Visualize forecast results for different categories, providing a clear understanding of predicted trends.
Customizable Forecasting Model: The code includes the creation of a forecasting model with various customizable parameters, allowing users to tailor the model to their specific needs.
Import Required Libraries:
from autots import AutoTS import pandas as pd import numpy as np
Load Time Series Data:
# Example: Loading data from a CSV file df_all = pd.read_csv(r"Path of temp data.xlsx") df_all['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_all['Date'], format="%d-%m-%Y")
Create Forecasting Model:
model = AutoTS( forecast_length=15, frequency='infer', prediction_interval=0.9, ensemble='auto', model_list="fast_parallel", # Options: "superfast", "default", "fast_parallel" transformer_list="fast", # Options: "superfast", drop_most_recent=1, max_generations=10, num_validations=4, validation_method="backwards" ) model = df_all[df_all.Date < dt], date_col='Date' if long else None, value_col='Value' if long else None, id_col='Category' if long else None, )
Generate Predictions:
prediction = model.predict()
Access Forecast Values:
def getfcast_value(cat, d): try: ret_val = round(prediction.forecast.loc[d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")][cat], 3) return ret_val except Exception as e: print(e) return np.NaN df_all['f1'] = df_all.apply(lambda x: getfcast_value(x['Category'], x['Date']) if x['Date'] >= dt else np.NaN, axis=1)
Visualize Forecast Results:
for cat in df_all.Category.unique(): df_all[(df_all.Category == cat) & (df_all.Date > '2022-01-01')].set_index('Date').drop('Category', axis=1).plot( title="Category : " + cat, figsize=(12, 3) )
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install the required dependencies:
pip install autots pandas numpy
Run the script