agido GmbH
- Dortmund, Germany
scala-music-code Public
Some code for algebraicly manipulating harmonic objects, soon to be a cli or something. Repo name is subject to change.
Scala UpdatedOct 24, 2024 -
A comprehensive exercise-focused Agda tutorial
Agda UpdatedFeb 15, 2024 -
cpp-currying Public
Simple and surprisingly powerful currying implemented concisely in c++20
dsd-tetris-project Public
a python tetris project for one of my 12th year classes
polymorphic-any Public
A header only, polymorphic type with copy semantics like std::any
C++ UpdatedJul 16, 2022 -
small c++ proof-of-concept library to allow expressions like x<y<z with type flexibility and no overhead
Music-Algebra Public
c++ code made to help work with music theory in a mathematical or algebraic manner with extensive use of c++20's constraints and concepts
expression-evaluator Public
a quick, easy, and header only library that lets you bind string names to objects and functions and parse expressions that try to interact with these bindings at runtime
expression-evaluator-tools Public
tools to make using the expression evaluator easier, such as code for generating c++ source code that from a pseudo language.
1 UpdatedAug 15, 2019 -
theorem-solver Public
use brute force methods with a bunch of postulates to search for arbitrarily complex theorems
C++ UpdatedOct 28, 2018 -
assembly-- Public
assembly--, pronounced "assembly minus minus", is a mechanical programming language with only four instructions, aiming to be even worse than the infamous "brainfuck" language.
C++ UpdatedSep 2, 2018 -
a set of functions that make it incredibly easy to use expression templates
C++ UpdatedAug 21, 2018 -
virtual-function-utilities Public
a bunch of random virtual function utilities
C++ UpdatedAug 12, 2018 -
simple-language Public
moved to https://github.com/EvanMcGorty/assembly--
C++ UpdatedFeb 16, 2018 -
game-board-library Public
a library for describing game boards and connections between tiles/nodes
C++ UpdatedFeb 10, 2018 -
math-expressions Public
My first ever big project. Expect to find some bad practices in here such as a handwritten shared_ptr class that breaks strict-aliasing and is dependent not only on a pointer count but a bool that …
C++ UpdatedJan 29, 2018 -