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A CLI for creating better commits following the conventional commits specification


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A CLI for writing better commits, following the conventional commits specification.


✨ Features

  • Generate conventional commits through a series of prompts
  • Highly configurable with sane defaults
  • Infers ticket and commit-type from branch for consistent & fast commits
  • Consistent branch creation with flexible workflow hooks via better-branch
  • Interactive git status/add on commit
  • Preview commit messages in color
  • Support for git emojis per commit-type
  • Configure globally or per repository
  • Config validation and error messaging
  • Lightweight (17kb)

As a side-effect of formatting messages

  • Auto populate PR title / body
  • Automate semantic releases
  • Automate changelogs
  • Automatically link & close related tickets / issues

πŸ“¦ Installation

npm install -g better-commits

πŸš€ Usage

When you're ready to commit. To run the CLI in your terminal:

# or
npx better-commits

It will prompt a series of questions. These prompts will build a commit message, which you can preview, before confirming the commit. Some of the values in these prompts will be infered by your branch name and auto populated. You can adjust this in your .better-commits.json configuration file.

To better understand these prompts and their intention, read Conventional Commits Summary

βš™οΈ Configuration


Your first time running better-commits, a default config will be generated in your $HOME directory, named .better-commits.json

  • This config will be used if a repository-specific config cannot be found.


To create a repository-specific config, navigate to the root of your project.

  • Run better-commits-init
  • This will create a default config named .better-commits.json
  • Properties such as confirm_with_editor and overrides will prefer the global config


Better-commits (& better-branch) are highly flexible with sane defaults. These options allow you specify whats best for your workflow.


All properties are optional and can be removed from the config. It will be replaced by the default at run-time.

  • See .better-commits.json in this repository as an example

πŸ’« Default JSON Config

Expand / Collapse
  "check_status": true,
  "commit_type": {
    "enable": true,
    "initial_value": "feat",
    "max_items": Infinity,
    "infer_type_from_branch": true,
    "append_emoji_to_label": false,
    "append_emoji_to_commit": false,
    "options": [
        "value": "feat",
        "label": "feat",
        "hint": "A new feature",
        "emoji": "✨",
        "trailer": "Changelog: feature"
        "value": "fix",
        "label": "fix",
        "hint": "A bug fix",
        "emoji": "πŸ›",
        "trailer": "Changelog: fix"
        "value": "docs",
        "label": "docs",
        "hint": "Documentation only changes",
        "emoji": "πŸ“š",
        "trailer": "Changelog: documentation"
        "value": "refactor",
        "label": "refactor",
        "hint": "A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature",
        "emoji": "πŸ”¨",
        "trailer": "Changelog: refactor"
        "value": "perf",
        "label": "perf",
        "hint": "A code change that improves performance",
        "emoji": "πŸš€",
        "trailer": "Changelog: performance"
        "value": "test",
        "label": "test",
        "hint": "Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests",
        "emoji": "🚨",
        "trailer": "Changelog: test"
        "value": "build",
        "label": "build",
        "hint": "Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies",
        "emoji": "🚧",
        "trailer": "Changelog: build"
        "value": "ci",
        "label": "ci",
        "hint": "Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts",
        "emoji": "πŸ€–",
        "trailer": "Changelog: ci"
        "value": "chore",
        "label": "chore",
        "hint": "Other changes that do not modify src or test files",
        "emoji": "🧹",
        "trailer": "Changelog: chore"
        "value": "",
        "label": "none"
  "commit_scope": {
    "enable": true,
    "custom_scope": false,
    "initial_value": "app",
    "max_items": Infinity
    "options": [
        "value": "app",
        "label": "app"
        "value": "shared",
        "label": "shared"
        "value": "server",
        "label": "server"
        "value": "tools",
        "label": "tools"
        "value": "",
        "label": "none"
  "check_ticket": {
    "infer_ticket": true,
    "confirm_ticket": true,
    "add_to_title": true,
    "append_hashtag": false,
    "prepend_hashtag": "Never",
    "surround": "",
    "title_position": "start"
  "commit_title": {
    "max_size": 70
  "commit_body": {
    "enable": true,
    "required": false
  "commit_footer": {
    "enable": true,
    "initial_value": [],
    "options": ["closes", "trailer", "breaking-change", "deprecated", "custom"]
  "breaking_change": {
    "add_exclamation_to_title": true
  "confirm_commit": true,
  "confirm_with_editor": false,
  "print_commit_output": true,
  "branch_pre_commands": [],
  "branch_post_commands": [],
  "worktree_pre_commands": [],
  "worktree_post_commands": [],
  "branch_user": {
    "enable": true,
    "required": false,
    "separator": "/"
  "branch_type": {
    "enable": true,
    "separator": "/"
  "branch_version": {
    "enable": false,
    "required": false,
    "separator": "/"
  "branch_ticket": {
    "enable": true,
    "required": false,
    "separator": "-"
  "branch_description": {
    "max_length": 70,
    "separator": ""
  "branch_action_default": "branch",
  "branch_order": ["user", "version", "type", "ticket", "description"],
  "enable_worktrees": true,
  "overrides": {
    "shell": "/bin/sh"


Some properties allow a set of specifc string values

  • See config file explanations for possible values

πŸ”­ Config File Explanations

Expand to see explanations and possible values

Expand / Collapse

. refers to nesting. i.e. if a property is commit_type.enable then expect in the config for it to be:

"commit_type": {
  "enable": true
Property Description
check_status If true run interactive git status
commit_type.enable If true include commit type
commit_type.initial_value Initial selection of commit type
commit_type.max_items Maximum number of type displayed on the screen
commit_type.infer_type_from_branch If true infer type from branch name
commit_type.append_emoji_to_label If true append emoji to prompt
commit_type.append_emoji_to_commit If true append emoji to commit
commit_type.options.value Commit type prompt value
commit_type.options.label Commit type prompt label
commit_type.options.hint Commit type inline hint (like this)
commit_type.options.emoji Commit type emoji
commit_type.options.trailer Commit type trailer
commit_scope.enable If true include commit scope
commit_scope.custom_scope If true allow custom scope at run-time
commit_scope.initial_value Default commit scope selected
commit_scope.max_items Maximum number of scope displayed on the screen
commit_scope.options.value Commit scope value
commit_scope.options.label Commit scope label
check_ticket.infer_ticket If true infer ticket from branch name
check_ticket.confirm_ticket If true manually confirm inference
check_ticket.add_to_title If true add ticket to title
check_ticket.append_hashtag Deprecated: see prepend_hashtag
check_ticket.prepend_hashtag "Never" (default), "Prompt", or "Always"
check_ticket.title_position "start" (of description) (default), "end", "before-colon", "beginning" (of the entire commit title)
check_ticket.surround "" (default), "[]", "()", "{}" - Wraps ticket in title
commit_title.max_size Max size of title including scope, type, etc...
commit_body.enable If true include body
commit_body.required If true body is required
commit_footer.enable If true include footer
commit_footer.initial_value Initial values selected in footer
commit_footer.options Footer options
breaking_change.add_exclamation_to_title If true adds exclamation mark to title for breaking changes
confirm_commit If true manually confirm commit at end
confirm_with_editor Confirm / Edit commit with $GIT_EDITOR / $EDITOR
print_commit_output If true pretty print commit preview Override default shell, useful for windows users

Branch configuration (same config file, split for readability)

Property Description
branch_pre_commands Array of shell commands to run before branching
branch_post_commands Array of shell commands to run after branching
worktree_pre_commands Array of shell commands to run before creating worktree
worktree_post_commands Array of shell commands to run after creating worktree
branch_user.enable If enabled include user name
branch_user.required If enabled require user name
branch_user.separator Branch delimeter - "/" (default), "-", "_"
branch_type.enable If enabled include type
branch_type.separator Branch delimeter - "/" (default), "-", "_"
branch_ticket.enable If enabled include ticket
branch_ticket.required If enabled require ticket
branch_ticket.separator Branch delimeter - "/", "-" (default), "_"
branch_description.max_length Max length branch name
branch_description.separator Branch delimeter - "" (default), "/", "-", "_"
branch_version.enable If enabled include version
branch_version.required If enabled require version
branch_version.separator Branch delimeter - "", "/" (default), "-", "_"
branch_order Order of branch name values (doesn't effect prompt order)
branch_action_default "branch" or "worktree"
enable_worktrees If false, always default to branch action

πŸ”Ž Inference

better-commits will attempt to infer the ticket/issue and the commit-type from your branch name. It will auto populate the corresponding field if found.

Ticket / Issue-Number

  • If a STRING-NUMBER or NUMBER are at the start of the branch name or after a /

Commit Type

  • If a type is at the start of the branch or is followed by a /

🌳 Better Branch


Using better-branch with better-commits can supercharge your git workflow. Make sure to try it out!

Better branch is a secondary feature that works with better commits

  • Supports consistent branch naming conventions
  • Uses same type-list/prompt from your config
  • Enables better-commits to infer type & ticket
  • Caches your username for speedy branching

To run the CLI in your terminal:


Worktree Support

better-branch will prompt for Branch or Worktree. Creating a Worktree with better-branch is a great way to create worktrees while maintaining consistent branch naming conventions.

The worktree flow creates a folder/worktree with your branch description and a git branch inside with your full branch name.


Creating a worktree named everduin94/feat/TAC-123-add-worktrees with the native git command would create a nested folder for each /. better-branch removes the hassle by creating 1 folder while still using the full name for the branch.

Pre/Post Branch Checkout Hooks

Optionally configure pre and post checkout commands, for example:

  • checkout and rebase main before branching
  • run npm install before branching
  • run npm run dev after branching

See branch_pre_commands and branch_post_commands in default config. (or worktree_pre_commands and worktree_post_commands for creating worktrees)

🌌 Mildly Interesting

Building / Versioning

better-commits works with Semantic Release

  • See package.json and .github/workflows/publish.yml for example


If you use better-commits to create your first commit on a new branch

  • When you open a PR for that branch, it will properly auto-populate the title and body.
  • When you squash/merge, all later commits like "addressing comments" or "fixing mistake". Will be prefixed with an asterisk for easy deletion. This way, you maintain your pretty commit even when squashing.

If you're using Github issues to track your work, and select the closes footer option when writing your commit. Github will automatically link and close that issue when your pr is merged


better-commits can append a commit trailer per commit type. This allows you to automate change logs with tools like Gitlab.

Fun Facts

better-commits uses native git commands under the hood. So any hooks, tools, or staging should work as if it was a normal commit.

Setting confirm_with_editor=true will allow you to edit/confirm a commit with your editor.

  • For example, to edit with Neovim: git config --global core.editor "nvim"
  • For VS Code, git config --global core.editor "code -n --wait"


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You can add this badge to your repository to display that you're using a better-commits repository config

Markdown Result
[![better commits is enabled](]( better commits is enabled

πŸͺŸ Troubleshooting Windows

Git Bash

TTY initialization failed: uv_tty_init returned EBADF (bad file descriptor). This may happen because you're running something like git-bash on Windows. Try another terminal/command-prompt or winpty to see if its still an issue.


If your are having issues with multilines for commits on windows, you can override the shell via your .better-commits.json config.


"overrides": {
   "shell": "c:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe"

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