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akadamson edited this page Sep 6, 2013 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the Firmware wiki! For now a beginning issues/notes list that we'll flesh out later.

This is an OPEN SOURCE HARDWARE and SOFTWARE 3 axis solution. There are some commercially available copies of the 1.2 version. When evaluating those options, please make sure you pick the one that has been modified with the addition of the 3k3 resistors on the low side FET's... This was incorporated in the 1.3 redesign, but the 1.2 board from some vendors have been modified by soldering the resistors across the BSS chips already.

As of 2013/8/18 I know of now commercially available 1.3 boards, they are completely a DIY solution.

1.2/1.3 boards

PWM is running at 18khz on the 0.3g and up firmware, up from the 8khz that was in the 0.3e and below used. Autopan was working on Yaw axis only in all releases of software. RX control works on the Pitch axis only on 0.3e/g. On the experimental branch, it's working on both Pitch and Yaw on AUX4/3 respectively.

Hardware All hardware files are located in the github repo

As of 2013/8/18, the current version is the pre1.3ce2 version. It is very new and most people are just building boards currently. It was generated to resolve some fundamental issues with the 1.2 solution. There are pull down resistors on both the high and the low side FET's. The usb interface was corrected to include inline resistors and the appropriate disconnect for host enumeration. Most high power traces were increase in size by 30-50%, an attempt at providing 50-100% more heatsink capability to the high voltage FETs was included. The board is single sided. Additional LED's were added for power and user configuration. the 1.3 and 1.2 boards are fully interchangeable from a software standpoint with one exception. The 1.3 board has the markings for the Pitch and Roll attachment reversed. While this matches the schematic, it doesn't match the firmware. We'll correct this most likely in the future, but for now when running the 1.3 hardware, you'll need to connect the Pitch motor to the header marked Roll and the Roll motor to the header marked Pitch.

Firmware All firmware versions are located in the github repo

NOTE on the firmware repos.... The master branch is the latest 0.3g firmware setup to build under eclipse. It will only run with optimizations disabled... If you follow the instructions for setting up a build environement, you won't have any problems here.

The original firmware is in the original-src directory

The Experimental branch is just that, use at your own risk... I has a number of fixes to the original source that correct a number of time, timer, deadband issues...


  • ONLY support for the MPU 6050 I2C sensor.... Other I2C only sensors could be used, but software only supports the MPU 6050 at the moment... (In theory the 6000 would work two, but only on the I2C bus)


  • 22xx series motors with 80 turn wiring
  • I think there are some 3xxx series motors that would work I just don't know what the model numbers are
  • 40xx series motors (not sure what the turns are here)
  • 50xx series motors (I think these are 100 turn motors)
  • 5206's - pretty sure this is the limit on this board.


  • 2S - not sure I'd go this low, but probably would work in a pinch
  • 3S - sweet spot most likely
  • 4S - 1.2 board may have some issues here as some components were only spec'd at 15V


CRITICAL - Please DO NOT connect motor power via the main power connector while you also have your usb/serial adapter connected to UART1 the programming connector - This will blow up a FET at the mininum and more likely the processor as well!

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