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name: Expression Functions Demo
- main
types: [opened, labeled]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Check if string contains substring
if: contains('Hello world', 'llo')
run: echo "The string contains the substring."
- name: Check if string starts with
if: startsWith('Hello world', 'He')
run: echo "The string starts with 'He'."
- name: Check if string ends with
if: endsWith('Hello world', 'ld')
run: echo "The string ends with 'ld'."
- name: Format and echo string
run: echo ${{ format('Hello {0} {1} {2}', 'Mona', 'the', 'Octocat') }}
- name: Convert job context to JSON
run: "echo \"Job context in JSON: ${{ toJSON(github.job) }}\""

Check failure on line 26 in .github/workflows/expression-functions.yml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / .github/workflows/expression-functions.yml

Invalid workflow file

You have an error in your yaml syntax on line 26
- name: Parse JSON string
run: "echo \"Parsed JSON: ${{ fromJSON('{"hello":"world"}').hello }}\"""
- name: Hash files
run: "echo \"Hash of files: ${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json', '**/Gemfile.lock') }}\""
- name: The job has succeeded
if: ${{ success() }}
run: echo "SUCCESS!"
- name: The job has failed
if: ${{ failure() }}
run: echo "Failure!"