This is Jira inspired project for managing Scrum projects. It gives you option for splitting work between projects. Each project have an owner which can add/remove members. Projects have sprints, where each sprint can have multiple tasks. Additionally there's a backlog for each project which helps hold issues/tasks not assigned to any sprint yet.
Spring Boot to create the backend server
React.js for frontend, website interface
Docker as a contenerization tool
PostgreSQL for Relational Datbase Managment system
Groovy for testing using Spock framework
docker compose -f compose.yaml build
docker compose -f compose.yaml up -d --remove-orphans
You can run the same commands as above or just run '' script
chmod +x; ./ 1
which will create build and and start docker compose and additionally will leave you real-time overview for 'docker ps' command.
Make sure you have the following software installed:
This is not the complete project, but contains a lot of usefull features and solution which could help with inspiring and helping with your own projects.