Script for the Kremlin's Greatest Briefcase in Kingdom of Loathing. Also includes a relay override with a ~ghost briefcase~ oOOooOOoooo.
Run this command in the graphical CLI:
git checkout
Will require a recent build of KoLMafia.
Type "briefcase help" into the graphical CLI, or select Scripts>Briefcase.ash from the menu, and type in "help".
Some commands:
enchantment or e - changes briefcase enchantment (type "briefcase enchantment" for more information.)
unlock - unlocks most everything we know how to unlock.
buff or b - obtain tab buffs.
status - shows current briefcase status
solve - unlocks everything we know how to unlock, also solves puzzles. You may want the "unlock" command instead.
drawers or left or right - unlocks all/left/right drawers
hose - unlocks martini hose
drink or collect - acquires three splendid martinis and other dailies
Unimportant commands:
charge - charges flywheel (most commands do this automatically)
second or third - lights respective light
identify - identifies the tab function of all six buttons
reset - resets the briefcase
stop - stops moving tabs
The briefcase has three configurable slots, which each can be one of the following.
Slot 1:
weapon: +25% weapon damage
spell: +50% spell damage
prismatic: +5 prismatic damage
critical: +10% critical hit
Slot 2:
init: +25% initiative
absorption: +100 Damage Absorption
hot or cold or spooky or stench or sleaze: +5 (type) resistance
Slot 3:
regen: 5-10 HP/MP regen
adventures: +5 adventures/day
fights: +5 PvP fights/day
-combat: -5% combat
+combat: +5% combat
ml: +25 ML
skills: -3 MP to use skills
The command "briefcase enchantment prismatic init adventures" would give your briefcase +5 prismatic damage, +25% init, and +5 adventures/day.
"briefcase e -combat" would give it -combat.
The briefcase can give fifty turns of various buffs, via complicated tabs.
meat: +100% meat (not yet known)
item: +50% item (not yet known)
init: +50% init (not yet known)
experience, or xp: +5 stats/fight (not yet known)
hp, or mp: +100% HP/MP (not yet known)
muscle: +100% muscle (not yet known)
myst: +100% myst (not yet known)
moxie: +100% moxie (not yet known)
muscle_absolute: +30 muscle (not yet known)
myst_absolute: +30 myst (not yet known)
moxie_absolute: +30 moxie (not yet known)
The command "briefcase buff item" would spend clicks until we obtained the +50% item buff. "briefcase buff meat" would do the same for +meat.