Our website is a public note sharing website. Through our website you can write a cheerful note to yourself, remind yourself of an upcoming event or even write your shopping list. And, as those notes can be viewed by other users they can remind you if you forget or your mom can add up to your shopping list!
- We agreed on the concept of the project.
- We built the database and made the file structure.
- we made the sign-up, log-in, sign-out pages.
- we made the homepage.
- We made the addpost and getpost files.
- As a user who forget easily: "I want a website where I can jot down notes and and be reminded by other users If I forget an event"
- As a user who liked socializing: "A website that enables me to share notes and posts with other people would be a website I would like and use"
Run this project on your Local Machine
- Clone the repo:
cd KOA-Recipes
npm install
2- create your own config.env
inside of it put :
DB_URL = postgres://[user-name]:[password]@localhost:5432/[database]
Made By: Lubna, Mohaned, Ahmad.