The workshop of @NguyenAnhTuan1912, around a "extract content of table in image to excel" application.
- Introduction
- What is API Gateway?
- What is Network Load Balancer?
- What is CloudFront and S3?
- Preparation
- Setup VPC
- Setup VPC Peering
- Setup security groups
- Create IAM Role
- Launch 2 EC2 instances
- Attac IAM Roles and configure EC2 Metadata Access
- Setup NAT Gateway
- Auto installation
- Setup project
- Folk example repository
- Install Docker and Git
- Create S3 Buckets
- Store static files
- Store images from users
- Host Web server
- Create Network Load Balancer
- Create API Gateway
- Create Private Integration
- Create ECR Repository
- Push docker image to ECR
- Deploy web server
- Host Web Application
- Create CloudFront and Distribution
- Create resource-based policy
- Deploy web application
- Test result
- Clean up resources