Scripting CS:GO over telnet.
Execute cs:go commands from a file over telnet. This allows you to control execution timing and allows you to script usercmds (+left, +jump, etc.)
Tested on Python 3.7.4 but not extensively.
Big thanks to @nibalizer for this project, which was a huge help in figuring out how to interface with the client
git clone
cd csctl
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Add the following launch option to CS:GO
-netconport 2121
Run the script
Then in-game you can run
echo exectn <instruction_file>
Or bind to a key with
bind "<key>" "echo exectn <instruction_file>"
This will execute commands from instruction_file, or if the line is delay x.x, sleep for x.x seconds.
- Instruction files can be placed in CS:GO's config directory, or the same directory as
- Example instruction files are included in the examples folder. (stutter_step.csctl, echo.csctl)