This is the source code for the Source Shader Editor (SSE) for the Source Engine.
The repository for the Source SDK 2013 can be found here: The SSE can be compiled for older engine version too, including 2007, 2006 and the Alien Swarm SDK.
Documentation on the editor itself can be found here:
1.) Clone this repository into a separate directory outside of your games source code.
2.) Edit the file src/shadereditor_platform.vpc to point to specify the location of your game, the source code of your game and the target Source Engine SDK version like this:
TARGET_SRC_DIRECTORY - Has to point to the root src/ directory, so for a single player mod on the
Source 2013 SDK it would point to "<ROOT>/sp/src/". This directory is used
to pull in SDK specific libraries and includes, like tier0, tier1 etc.
TARGET_PLATFORM_X - Specifies the target SDK version.
Possible options are currently: 2013, SWARM, 2007 and 2006 PORTAL2 is
experimental and cannot be shared as it would require references to closed
These macros are used to add the preprocessor definition
SHADER_EDITOR_DLL_<VERSION> to all projects and toggle inclusion of files
in vpc scripts. Make sure you only enable the one you want to compile for!
TARGET_GAME_DIRECTORY - Specifies the directory of your game. So for a Source Engine modification
it typically lies in SteamApps/sourcemods/<YOURGAME>/. This macro is used
to define the output directory of the binaries you build.
3.) Run src/createshadereditorprojects.bat to build projects and solution for Visual Studio.
4.) Open the solution and build it. The resulting binaries will be copied into the target directory you specified with TARGET_GAME_DIRECTORY.
5.) Add the directory from shadereditor from client/ to your games client library as described here:
6.) Copy the contents of the directory game/ to your game root directory, the editor is relying on these resources to be present.
Editor internal shaders can be build by calling src\materialsystem\procshader\buildeditorshaders.bat. Refer to the instructions inside the batch file to set up your paths appropriately!
The libraries build by this project are shadereditor_.dll, so shadereditor_2013.dll, for example, and game_shader_generic_eshader_.dll respectively.
For the 2013 SDK, the game shader library is called game_shader_dx6.dll, because Valve recently broke shader dll loading through the wildcard game_shader_generic*.dll.