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Chttp, a lightweight C HTTP server library

How To

  1. Prepare
  • Ensure MacOS firewall is OFF
  • Working directory example:
|- MyWebsite
     |- website.c
     |- index.html
     |- index.css
     |- images
          |- cow.png
|- lib
     |- http.c
     |- http.h
  1. Create the server with your local IP as a string, followed by the port number
server_t website = http_server_create("", 8080);
  1. Create a function that handles each request
void request(request_t request, response_t response)
    // If no path given, just serve index.html
        http_serve_static(response, "index.html", "Content-Type: text/html");
        // Otherwise, get serve any requested file

        // Get the contentype of the file
        char * contentType = http_content_type_from_file(request.url);

        // Try to serve the file
        int serve_status = http_serve_static(response, request.url, contentType);

        // If it fails, just serve a default 404 page
        if(serve_status == HTTP_SERVE_ERR)
  1. Start the server
http_server_listen(website, request);
  1. Compile and link with http.c
clang MyWebsite/website.c lib/http.c -o website.out; ./website.out
  1. Open a browser and navigate to ip:port (ex.