This is a companion repository for CMS EFT workshop at LPC tutorial. The tutorial is aimed at graduate students and other researchers who are interested in including an EFT interpretation in their analysis.
All necessary ingredients are either included as part of this repository or
available on /cvmfs
. Please feel free to use your favorite computing cluster
interactive machine, e.g. FNAL LPC,
LXplus, etc.
To start, please clone this repository in a directory that has sufficient quota for the tutorial (at least 50GB),
git clone
The first section of the tutorial will discuss generating samples of events
with Madgraph and
SMEFTsim, with weights embedded per-event to
allow reweighting the samples to alternative points in EFT coefficient space.
For this exercise we will generate a
To start, from the main area of this repository, run
cd cmseft/generation
this sets up the CMS genproductions git repository
and a local copy of CMSSW_13_0_14
with additional NanoGEN tools to record EFT weights.
Alternative: setup without CMSSW, using LCG
LCG stack with MG+Pythia+DelphesAlternative: other UFO models for EFT parameterization
Alternative generators include SMEFT@NLO, Dim6Top, etc. These can be installed using...We will start by creating a gridpack. Start in a fresh terminal window.
Find the files under genproductions/bin/MadGraph5_aMCatNLO
, Take a look at Add a new model SMEFTsim_topU3l_MwScheme
export TUTORIALGEN=$(pwd)
cp genproductions/bin/MadGraph5_aMCatNLO/
cd genproductions/bin/MadGraph5_aMCatNLO/
mkdir -pv addons/models/
cd addons/models/
tar -xvzf SMEFTsim_topU3l_MwScheme_UFO.tar.gz
cd SMEFTsim_topU3l_MwScheme_UFO
Create a folder “TT01j_tutorial” Take a look at TT01j_tutorial_proc_card.dat and TT01j_tutorial_reweight_card.dat
mkdir TT01j_tutorial
cp $TUTORIALGEN/TT01j* TT01j_tutorial/
Let's take a look at some diagrams
cd $TUTORIALGEN/genproductions/bin/MadGraph5_aMCatNLO/
eval `scram unsetenv -sh`
./ TT01j_tutorial addons/models/SMEFTsim_topU3l_MwScheme_UFO/TT01j_tutorial/
To run locally,
./ TT01j_tutorial addons/models/SMEFTsim_topU3l_MwScheme_UFO/TT01j_tutorial
Alternative: run on condor
Condor gridpack generation works for lxplus (and LPC?) but may not work at your local cluster, depending on your cluster's batch setup. You could use CMS connect as well (link)nohup ./ TT01j_tutorial addons/cards/SMEFTsim_topU3l_MwScheme_UFO/TT01j_tutorial > TT01j_tutorial.log
Exit the singularity container from the previous step. If you're running on an EL8 machine (e.g.
) you can run the following commands without a container.
Navigate back to your EFT tutorial work directory.
cd generation/
pushd CMSSW_13_0_14/src && cmsenv && popd
Producing GEN files from the above gridpack is usually straight forward and similar to other CMS samples.
We will use a fragment file that defines the settings that will be used for decays, parton shower and hadronization in pythia.
For convenience, the gridpack defined in the fragment points to a validated copy at /eos/uscms/store/user/dspitzba/TT01j_tutorial_slc7_amd64_gcc700_CMSSW_10_6_19_tarball.tar.xz
You can change the path to the gridpack in the file in cmseft/generation/CMSSW_13_0_14/src/Configuration/GenProduction/python/
externalLHEProducer = cms.EDProducer("ExternalLHEProducer",
args = cms.vstring('/eos/uscms/store/user/dspitzba/TT01j_tutorial_slc7_amd64_gcc700_CMSSW_10_6_19_tarball.tar.xz'),
nEvents = cms.untracked.uint32(5000),
numberOfParameters = cms.uint32(1),
outputFile = cms.string('cmsgrid_final.lhe'),
scriptName = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/LHEInterface/data/')
If you're not running this tutorial at the LPC you can replace the path to point to your gridpack, or copy the gridpack somewhere convienent using
xrdcp root:// /A/B/C
For creating a cmsRun config file make sure you are in cmseft2023/generation/
and have a CMSSW environment set. Configuration/GenProduction/python/ \
--mc \
--python_filename \
--eventcontent RAWSIM,LHE \
--datatier GEN,LHE \
--conditions 130X_mcRun3_2023_realistic_v14 \
--beamspot Realistic25ns13p6TeVEarly2023Collision \
--step LHE,GEN \
--nThreads 1 \
--geometry DB:Extended \
--era Run3 \
--customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring \
--customise_commands "process.RandomNumberGeneratorService.externalLHEProducer.initialSeed=123" \
--fileout file:gen_123.root \
--no_exec -n 100
To actually create the GEN file just run
Using GEN samples to determine the qCut for jet matching
This is an important topic for any sample that is generated with additional partons in the matrix element, not exclusively for EFT samples. The qCut is set in the pythia fragment. A good starting point is around the xqcut that is being set in the MG run_card.dat.Several GEN files with different qcut values have been prepared in /eos/uscms/store/user/dspitzba/EFT/qcut*.root*
You can look them up from anywhere with a grid certificate with
xrdfs root:// ls /store/user/dspitzba/EFT/
You can plot differential jet rate plots:
python --input root:// --output djr_qcut30.pdf
NanoGEN is a very convenient format for exploratory studies. The event content of the flat trees is similar to the generator infomration in NanoAOD, but much faster generation time because the detector simulation and reconstruction is being skipped.
We will generate a few events directly from the gridpack created in the previous step (no intermediate GEN file is needed!), and use the same pythia fragment as in the GEN step before.
Make sure you are in cmseft2023/generation/
and have a CMSSW environment set (e.g. run .
again to be sure).
A cmsRun config file can be created Configuration/GenProduction/python/ \
--python_filename --eventcontent NANOAODGEN \
--customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier NANOAOD \
--customise_commands "process.RandomNumberGeneratorService.externalLHEProducer.initialSeed=123" \
--fileout file:nanogen_123.root --conditions 130X_mcRun3_2023_realistic_v14 --beamspot Realistic25ns13p6TeVEarly2023Collision \
--step LHE,GEN,NANOGEN --geometry DB:Extended --era Run3 --no_exec --mc -n 100
The CMSSW area that has been set up in the previous step already includes a useful tool that extracts the coefficients of the polynomial fit. You'll learn more about the coefficients and how to use them in a later part. Documentation of the used package can be found on the mgprod github repo. If we want to keep the original weights we can add them to the list of named weights in the NanoGEN config file:
echo "named_weights = [" >>
cat TT01j_tutorial_reweight_card.dat | grep launch | sed 's/launch --rwgt_name=/"/' | sed 's/$/",/' >>
echo -e "]\nprocess.genWeightsTable.namedWeightIDs = named_weights\nprocess.genWeightsTable.namedWeightLabels = named_weights" >>
Producing NanoGEN is fairly fast, and a few thousand events can usually be produced locally like
It is always a good idea to check if some of the weights have enhanced tails.
A simple script that reads the weights and makes a histogram for the pure ctG
contributions can be run with
Additionally, it is always a good idea to compare a reweighted sample with a sample that has been produced at a fixed EFT point.
This section of the tutorial will detail how to take the EFT-weighted events and make selections and store EFT-aware histograms.
To start, from the main area of this repository, run
cd histograms
Run the processor over the example root file.
python example_sample.json
You can try exploring the quadratic parameterization with
. This script explores some of the contents of the nanogen root file. The script will open the file, extract the WC quadratic fit coefficients for each event and sum them (so we are just looking at inclusive parametrization). It will then the quadratic fit coefficients into a json that you can take a look at. It will also make some simple 1d plots of the 1d slices of the n-dimensional quadratic parameterization.
python nanogen_small.root
To explore the output histogram (from the running the processor step), you can take a look at the resulting histograms and try to reweight to a non-SM point to see how it compares to the shape and normalization at the SM. E.g.:
python histos.pkl.gz
Before going to the next section, run
./ histos.pkl.gz
which will write two files: templates.root
and scaling.pkl.gz
for use with the next section.
This section of the tutorial will demonstrate how to build a model from the template histograms and run fits using the Combine tool. The section uses three files from the previous section, but they have been included in the repository for convenience:
contain the histograms for the nominal samplesscaling.pkl.gz
contains the per-bin scaling as a function of the EFT parametersquad_fit_coeff.json
contains the per-channel scaling (for normalization morphing instead of per-bin morphing)
This section will be run outside of the conda enviornment used so far. To exit the environment, run
conda deactivate
To start, from the main area of this repository, run
cd statistics
Start up the singularity container for CMSSW with CentOS7:
cmssw-el7 --bind `readlink -f ${HOME}/nobackup/` --bind /cvmfs
If you are running on cmslpc, the nobackup directory will now be mounted under its true path (not the link nobackup). You will need to return to the statistics directory.
Set up CMSSW and combine by running
PYTHONPATH=$PWD:$PYTHONPATH signal_region_card.txt --X-allow-no-background -P eftmodel:eftModel -o workspace_norm.root
(we're abusing the python path a bit but the model object is only needed during this step)
Run signal_region_card.txt --X-allow-no-background -P HiggsAnalysis.CombinedLimit.InterferenceModels:interferenceModel \
--PO verbose --PO scalingData=scaling.pkl.gz -o workspace.root
which implements the interferenceModel physics model in combine using the scaling data constructed at the end of the previous section.
combine -M MultiDimFit workspace.root --freezeParameters cHtbIm,cHtbRe,ctGIm,ctWRe,ctWIm,ctBIm,ctBRe \
--redefineSignalPOIs cHt,ctGRe --setParameters cHt=0,ctGRe=0 --algo singles
To perform a one-dimensional likelihood scan on cHt (freezing all other WC to 0), run workspace.root -M MultiDimFit --algo grid --points 10 \
--freezeParameters cHtbIm,cHtbRe,ctGIm,ctWRe,ctWIm,ctBIm,ctBRe,ctGRe \
--redefineSignalPOIs cHt -n Scan1D.cHt
To plot the likelihood scan, run
python -p cHt
An analogous set of commands can be used to generate 1D likelihood scans of the other WC.
To perform a two-dimensional likelihood scan on cHt and ctGRe (freezing all other WC to 0), run workspace.root -M MultiDimFit --algo grid --points 100 \
--freezeParameters cHtbIm,cHtbRe,ctGIm,ctWRe,ctWIm,ctBIm,ctBRe \
--redefineSignalPOIs cHt,ctGRe -n Scan2D.cHt.ctGRe \
--setParameterRanges cHt=-40,30:ctGRe=-1,1
To plot the 2D likelihood scan, run
python -p cHt,ctGRe
Again, analogous commands can be used to generate the 2D likelihood scan for other combinations of WC.
combine -M MultiDimFit workspace.root --skipInitialFit --robustHesse 1 -n .WCbasis
which computes the Hessian of the likelihood at the initial point. Since we have an Asimov dataset, this initial point should be a global minimum, and we can use it to understand what, if any, degeneracies in the parameters exist at this point. When we run it, both the Hessian and its inverse (the covariance matrix) will be calculated. However, likely if there are degeneracies the hessian will be singular so the covariance calculation will fail.
The command will output a file we can look at
$ root -l robustHesseTest.root
root [0]
Attaching file robustHesseTest.root as _file0...
(TFile *) 0x4716940
root [1] TMatrixDSymEigen eig(*hessian);
root [2] eig.GetEigenValues().Print()
Vector (16) is as follows
| 1 |
0 |0.838318
1 |0.573909
2 |0.380058
3 |0.263561
4 |0.221969
5 |0.19812
6 |0.196478
7 |0.195322
8 |0.0850279
9 |0.0776739
10 |0.0650077
11 |0.040883
12 |0.0227485
13 |0.00564541
14 |0.00187942
15 |0.00125546
but this includes both the POIs as well as the BB-lite nuisance parameters. We need to get the profile hessian to know what the POIs constraint is.
To solve this, we use the
python3 --hesse robustHesse.WCbasis.root --scalingIn scaling.pkl.gz --scaleByEigenvalue signal_region_card.txt --X-allow-no-background -P HiggsAnalysis.CombinedLimit.InterferenceModels:interferenceModel \
--PO verbose --PO scalingData=rotated_scaling.pkl.gz -o workspace_rotated.root