A Dashboard made to help people, researchers, etc be informed about anything red tide.
Funded by the Tampa Bay Estuary Program and developed at New College of Florida.
is the root of the project directory/src/fronted
contains all front end components, this includes all HTML, CSS, and JS/src/backend
contains all of the pieces of the backend, this includes the server script as well as tools for updating the database.
Data Description: All the data is publicly available data retrieved on a weekly basis from (previously Twitter).
What it currently Looks like: Link:
- Displays all Tweets.
- You're able to search for terms in the tweets by writing the word in the serach bar.
- You're able to utilize advanced searching by picking your desired combination: Exact Match, AND, OR.
- You can look at a list that includes retweets or one without them.
- You are able to sort the tweets by recency or any other metrics related to the tweets
Depending on which word cloud type you pick from the filter menu:
- You can hover over the words to see how many times they were mentioned
- You can click a word and the tweets will filter to show which tweets has them
Shows you how many tweets are about each county.
- You can hover the map to see the raw count of tweets per county
- This Component is meant to give you a bird's eye view of the total tweets per county across the entire time line
Shows you how many tweets per county per day, over the entire database.