The repo for the FOSSConf India website, based on Astro.js and Typescript.
Fork the Repository: Start by forking the fossconf repository to your own GitHub account.
Create a Feature Branch: Create a descriptive branch in your forked repository that corresponds to the feature or issue you are working on.
Work on Your Contribution:
- Follow the coding style and conventions of the project.
- Ensure your code is well-documented and your comments are clear and concise.
Test Your Changes: Thoroughly test your code to ensure it functions correctly and doesn't introduce new bugs. If applicable, add unit tests to cover your code.
Update Documentation: If your changes affect the project's usage or behavior, update the project's documentation. This includes the README and relevant documentation files.
Create a Pull Request:
- When you're satisfied with your changes, create a pull request (PR) from your feature branch to the main repository's
branch. - In the PR description, explain the purpose and details of your changes. Mention the issue your PR addresses if applicable.
- When you're satisfied with your changes, create a pull request (PR) from your feature branch to the main repository's
Issue Checklist:
- Ensure your PR includes an updated issue checklist within the PR comment section.
- Mark off completed tasks and provide any additional information that helps reviewers understand your work.
Thank you for being a part of the fossconf community. Your contributions make this project better for everyone!
All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:
Command | Action |
npm install |
Installs dependencies |
npm run dev |
Starts local dev server at localhost:3000 |
npm run build |
Build your production site to ./dist/ |
npm run preview |
Preview your build locally, before deploying |
npm run astro ... |
Run CLI commands like astro add , astro preview |
npm run astro --help |
Get help using the Astro CLI |