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Create Grouped DropDownLists (dynamically filled)

Matthias Petereit edited this page Jul 4, 2023 · 1 revision


In this example, the first DropdownList is prefilled by the PowershellScript "FPIT_Commands.ps1". It contains all AD-Groups inside the domain.

As soon as we select a Group inside the first DropdownList it triggers a Funtion to fill the second DropdownList with alle the Users from that Group.

We accomplish this by grouping both fields so the second DropdownList knows that it waits for Data from the first. It is also possible to group a third DropDownList that is waiting on Data from the second List. In this case we fill the third field with all groups the selected User from the second field is a member of.

How to do this:

1. Create the Dropdown Listboxes


2. Create the Parameter ".FORMGROUP" in the Commentsection of the Script


Hint: The Field "FPITLB100" is waiting for "FPITLB020" and the Field "FPITLB021" is waiting for Date from "FPITLB100"

3. Create the corresponding Functions inside "FPIT_Commands.ps1"


All Items inside the DropDown Fields are cached as long as no new selection has been made and the fields need to be filled again.