- 2022-May-9: This repo has been archived, since the icestorm is no longer used as an isolated Apio package. Use the Tools-oss-cad-suite package instead
Static binaries of the Icestorm tools (yosys, arachne, icetools and icotools). Packaged for Apio and PlatformIO.
bash build.sh linux_x86_64
bash clean.sh linux_x86_64
Target architectures:
- linux_x86_64
- linux_i686
- linux_armv7l
- linux_aarch64
- windows_x86
- windows_amd64
- darwin
Final packages will be deployed in the _packages/build_ARCH/ directories.
NOTE: libftdi1.a and libusb-1.0.a files have been generated for each architecture using the Tools-system scripts.
The project documentation is located in the wiki.
Licensed under a GPL v2 and Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.