The software provided identifies a human hand from a video stream(webcam) by performing some analytical operations on the input video stream. It has been developed using the OpenCV 3.1 library within Visual Studio 2015 on Windows 10.
It is necessary to adjust the HSV values to match the skin colour of the hand to be detected. To do this, edit the following lines in the code:
// HSV Range Values
int H_MIN = 0;
int H_MAX = 20;
int S_MIN = 10;
int S_MAX = 150;
int V_MIN = 60;
int V_MAX = 255;
Furthermore, if you are utilising an external webcam, you will need to adjust the following line of code in order to match the device number of the webcam you wish to use:;
0 is the default webcam. At the moment, the code is not utilising any enhancement features for noise reduction such as erode or dilate.