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Fendi edited this page Sep 10, 2024 · 4 revisions

This page is for keeping an occasionally updated list of known bugs or issues (for the Beta version). This will help to explain unexpected behavior and keep track of things to fix or improve.

Note about issues

In early May 2024 we transitioned to using the Github Issues system for the more effective tracking of bugs and improvement ideas. You can explore the issues list here.

Older Known Bugs List

Group 1 Bugs

We are unable to solve these issues right now due to technical limitations, but we may find a way around them eventually.

  1. Due to a matchamking server issue, multiplayer apart from LAN play is not possible unless you use port forwarding, or the vanilla graphical menus. This was fixed by Wube for Factorio 2.0.
  2. The death screen has no keyboard support. Using a screen reader is required to find and press the menu buttons, unless you prefer to close the game and reload your last save from the launcher.

Group 2 Bugs

We want to fix these bugs to improve the core gameplay experience.

  1. If too many entities are destroyed in a short time, like from a large explosion, the game will lag for a few minutes but it should keep loading in alert sounds until it finishes processing them all.
  2. There are some cases where the mod cursor and mouse pointer rotation lose sync. You can fix this by using the pipette tool to resync them.

Group 3 Bugs

These bugs have lower priority but need to be acknowledged nonetheless.

  1. Nudging bugs
  • Nudged electric poles do not update their wire connections.
  • Not a bug: Transport belts and splitters cannot be nudged: This is an internal game limitation.
  1. Lab research speed is reported slightly incorrectly when modules are added.
  2. Electricity connection preview information is sometimes incorrect if you are at the edge of a supply zone.
  3. Structure travel mode sometimes does not detect some buildings that are next to each other.

Former Known Bugs

These bugs used to be around for a while but we are happy to have fixed them.

  1. Fixed in version 0.4.8: The scanner tool does not update forests correctly after cutting trees.
  2. Fixed in version 0.4.9: Extending a rail after building a train stop or rail signal does not work with the appending tool. In most cases, manually placing a rail at these spots works and we in version 0.4.8 we have set up the error message to indicate when this should be allowed.
  3. Fixed in version 0.6.0: Nudged buildings can overlap with each other in unintended ways.
  4. Fixed in version 0.14.0: Sometimes due to saving or other reasons, the mod's drawn icons for it will not disappear. Partial fix: You can press CONTROL + ALT + R to clear all currently rendered mod visuals.

Navigation Sidebar



A1 - Factorio Access Unique Features

A2 - Optional preset map - Compass Valley

A3 - Demo Maps

A4 - Early Game Milestones

A5 - Compatible Other Mods

A6 - Known Bugs

A7 - Planned Features

A8 - Launcher Features and Game Setup

A9 - Ratios Cheat Sheet

A10 - About Game Sounds

A11 - Tutorial Transcript

A12 - Info for Contributors

A13 - Game Console

Non-wiki pages

Beta Changelog

Releases Page

Beta Mod Main Page, including controls

Alpha Mod Main Page, now outdated

Factorio Mod Portal Page

Wiki chapters

Chapter 1 - Gameplay basics

Chapter 2 - Resources and mining

Chapter 3 - Furnaces, mining drills, and chests

Chapter 4 - Inserters part 1: Inserter logic and burner inserters

Chapter 5 - Transport belts part 1: Segments, lanes, and other basics

Chapter 6 - Fluid handling part 1: Fluid behavior and pipes

Chapter 7 - Electricity part 1: Basics, power distribution, and steam power

Chapter 8 - Technology tree, labs, and science packs

Chapter 9 - Inserters part 2: Electric inserters

Chapter 10 - Transport belts part 2: Underground belts and splitters

Chapter 11 - Assembling machines and automated production

Chapter 12 - Factory building guidance

Chapter 13 - Fluid handling part 2: Flow rates, storage tanks, fluid wagons, pumps, and barrels

Chapter 14 - Oil processing part 1: Transporting oil, basic oil processing, and early oil products

Chapter 15 - Electricity part 2: Larger electric poles, solar power, and accumulators

Chapter 16 - Cars and trains

Chapter 17 - Modules

Chapter 18 - Oil processing part 2: Advanced oil processing and products

Chapter 19 - Landscaping and paving tiles

Chapter 20 - Worker robots part 1 - Roboports and basic services

Chapter 21 - Electricity part 3: Nuclear power

Chapter 22 - Armor equipment and guns

Chapter 23 - Death and enemies

Chapter 24 - Pollution

Chapter 25 - Worker robots part 2 - Logistics networks

Chapter 26 - Worker robots part 3 - Blueprints and Planners

Chapter 27 - Kruise Kontrol

Chapter 28 - Circuit Networks

Chapter 29 - Rocket construction and the late Game

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